The Rise in Human Consciousness in the New Era

Spirit guides and how they work

Everybody has one or more spirit guides assigned to them right from the time they are born – although the vast majority of individuals these days probably don’t realise it. The guide is there to help them achieve any life plan which was agreed upon in the spirit world, essentially a different dimension, prior to their current life. So the guide is fully aware of the objectives the individual has agreed, and will make it his priority to attempt to influence behaviour of the individual and provide assistance to achieve these objectives.

That said individuals who have a particular job assigned to them, or have chosen some particular type of service, like the one relaying this information (called channeling), may have a much more complicated system of support.

You have a great number of guides: many specialists. It’s a complicated process to setup channelling and many energy fields sometimes need to be combined: many specialists are required to facilitate the process. The actual channelling results may seem straightforward and everything may flow very smoothly, but don’t be fooled: an awful lot of effort goes in behind the scenes to enable this to happen.

There is a great variety in the way guides work and in some instances there are individuals who float between people as it were, for example an individual who will attach himself to those who have achieved a certain level of development, in order to provide appropriate teaching to enhance that individual’s appreciation of how the universe works.

So really it boils down to the life plan; but also to the level of development the individual has achieved. Probably the key point here is that everybody is able to connect with their guides, but it requires effort. The simplest, most straightforward way of achieving this is through meditation; through prolonged work on oneself. This will always deliver results although they will vary considerably between individuals; according to their level of development.

So it should be stressed at this point that guides will be attached to certain individuals, and they will work with a very specific role in mind for these individuals: they will not attend others as it is not appropriate and not written into the life plan.

So there are some fairly straightforward rules that apply, but at the end of the day it is down to each and every individual to put in the effort to achieve the personal development: constant attention of this sort will deliver significant results.

#thehighersources are essentially Spirit Guides who deliver these messages through “channeling”. Essentially, all of us are able to receive such communications. But most often we are not aware of these communications and consider these as our own thoughts. The problem with these communications is that often a personal bias or misinterpretation creeps in when a thought received from the guides is translated into words. So the ability of the individual to receive and translate the communications properly also determines who is a good channel and who is a great channel.

The energy of communication and thought

We want to talk to you about communication and thought because in the world of spirit, as you are probably aware, the two are inextricably linked. On earth, communication is actually quite a laboured process compared to what you will find in spirit. Not only are there an enormous variety of languages, but also many of the words available to be used have similar or the same meaning, and so communication can be quite a painstaking affair, especially as many individuals may not have a particularly well developed vocabulary perhaps; there are dialects involved; accents and so on.

The situation in spirit is dreadfully simple you’ll be pleased to hear; all of these intermediate steps; all of these needs to code and decode are removed. The communication between us is instantaneous and through direct thought transfer; which when you think about it probably isn’t so surprising because actually a lot of human communication does indeed take this form, although it is commonly referred to as intuition.

How do you think individuals gain intuitive knowledge if it isn’t by direct thought transfer? After all thought is nothing more nothing less than energy, and in fact everything is energy in one form or another as you are aware: thought is no different. So to convey information in this way comes as no surprise, especially as man is composed of a number of subtle bodies and is actually operating in spirit at the same time as in matter, although most people in the world today would not admit as such.

So when for example you ‘think’; you focus on something. That process is an energetic process, and it actually conveys energy to that which is in your focus; there is a transfer of energy taking place from you to the object of your thoughts. So it is surprising to us that so little is understood by most people today about the power of thought. Thought is easily the most powerful tool that you have at your disposal; and thought is the precursor of everything else that ever happens

If something is not thought about; if no attention is paid to it; if no energy is invested in it, then it doesn’t exist to all intents and purposes: it needs to have an idea, a concept. A popular movement say needs to have the energy of attention, the energy of thought, invested in it in order to get it kick-started if you like; in order to get it moving along the path of development.

There have been and still are numerous individuals who understand the process well. Some of these people are at the helm of mass movements for example which have gathered lots of momentum around the world. This is no more and no less than gathering energy: energy through attention: the focus of the individual.

A very clear example of this is the National Socialist party (Nazi) which came to power in the 1930’s in Europe. This concept of investing energy; this building up of the core of a following through the attention of hundreds of thousands of individuals, was very well understood. And over time sufficient energy, sufficient interest, sufficient focus on a movement or a group or entity, can make it real; can make it concrete. The entity almost takes on a life of its own you might say, invested with enormous amounts of energy and a strong intent by those individuals; it becomes extraordinarily powerful, and in this instance extraordinarily dangerous, as it will succeed in overriding the natural defences, the natural checks and balances which are in place, which would normally prevent individuals from moving down a path similar to this.

But, if sufficient amounts of energy are invested by large numbers of individuals then the entity or concept really gains an awful lot of power. The power is conferred upon it by the individual. This for example would also be how “accepted views” come about, and if sufficient numbers of individuals buy-in to them, then they become concrete; they become real; they have an energy and a driving force of their own.

This for example would definitely apply to the accepted view of the geophysical activities which are soon to commence. These are viewed by the vast majority of people as ‘acts of god’. They are random; they are destructive; they are extremely unpleasant; in no way do these events have anything other than trouble and suffering attached to them: this is the accepted view; this is the view which has been put in place and built so strongly as to be very difficult to tear down.

So you can see that we will be very busy in the coming months and years, in working to positively undermine some of the very real structures now in place, which have been invested with colossal amounts of energy and attention over the years and decades. We will have a very real job of trying to dissolve these accumulations of thought.

Rediscovering mans true spiritual nature

We’ve come to talk to you further about the growth of the individual. We’re taking this opportunity to talk about many aspects of life of which they are probably very ill informed; or perhaps completely unaware.

There is almost no reliable, trusted, mainstream source for information about the spiritual life of the individual. There is no source of information which people can visit or talk to regarding some of the more straightforward aspects of spiritual life.

The major religious groupings are only happy to release information under their own ‘brand’ as it were, which has for some time now caused enormous friction and a lot of violence and increasing paranoia amongst populations. The churches were more open to discussions of this sort in the early days; in the early days for example of Christianity when all manner of the spiritual life of the individual was up for discussion, and elements such as reincarnation and the like were freely discussed.

However as the centuries have passed this enlightened and open approach to ideas and the discussion of spiritual life has been removed; unfortunately in its place doctrine and dogma have arrived. So the opportunities for individuals to learn about these very real aspects of life have become quite limited. The focus of modern life is very much on the financial and economic aspects.

Religion is in many of the developed countries considered ‘old hat’; considered to be rather worn out and the whole question of where God fits into modern life is more of an exercise in semantics to an extent; it’s more of an opportunity for high-brow discussion. We believe that the vast majority of people see with the advent of science and economic growth and all of these powerful and important aspects to modern life, the spiritual aspect very much in retreat.

Man has taken a rather arrogant approach to this; in many cases dismissing any possibility of there being a spiritual aspect to life and asserting his ability to control all aspects of his existence. If the reality were only known it would become very clear to people that much of the success of man has been due to his spiritual connection, his spiritual nature.

Many of the ideas which have improved life on earth enormously have indeed been fed through from spiritual sources. Many of the great thinkers in history were well connected to spirit and were receiving information, in some cases ahead of their time – way ahead of their time. Information about developments which were at that moment in time completely unheard of.

So it is a pity that modern society has to a great extent dismissed any element of spirituality and certainly has relegated it to something that is mostly for entertainment value, to do with ghosts and psychic phenomena, some of which are absolutely genuine by the way, but which are relegated to the level of cheap entertainment and frivolity. They are not given anything like the serious attention which they deserve.

You will not be surprised to hear that this dismissive view which is held by a large number of individuals is going to change: in fact it is changing as we speak because the whole attitude of societies toward spirituality will change. This is essential because it will bring human beings back into balance with nature, and it will enable people to realise that they are a part of nature and that they need to be in step with it, rather than exploiting it and simply looking to make it work where at all possible to make them more money. This is a spurious approach; it is a seriously naive approach and its one which will rapidly disappear.

As the energies of the new era filter through to larger and larger numbers of individuals there will be an awakening to the reality which is that man is simply a part of nature: man needs to be in balance with nature and needs to be in balance with the planet: needs to be in harmony with all things around. This is missing currently but the opportunity has at last arrived to address this imbalance. This will be for many an uncomfortable realisation, but this discomfort is necessary because it will enable mankind to move onto a more stable and a more sensible footing; certainly a sustainable footing, which he has been moving away from now for hundreds if not thousand of years.

Effect on the mind of the new vibrations

This paper is to do with the nature of the particles of the new energy which will be radiating from the sun, as one of the major changes.

A key element to this is that the changed nature of these particles will have a dramatic effect on the human brain, in that brain activity, and activity of the mind, will be affected in a number of ways.

Many individuals will suffer from various conditions if you like; memory loss, confusion, these types of things, which will confound them as the condition will be something which has not been present before. If you like these conditions are the side effects of the energy. The energy is vibrating at a different level and this effect is often referred to as the Photon Belt.

Essentially it is the vibration of the new era which is being made felt through the energy poured down from the sun, which in part is due to the great increase in sun flares and sunspot activity. All of these are linked: inextricably bound up together. All this activity will have a direct effect on the human brain and the way it functions.

There will be those individuals who are highly attuned, and will find that this new energy promotes higher levels of activity; higher levels of brain activity, which may manifest as further increases in psychic abilities. The nature of the new vibrations is such that communication between the spiritual and material worlds will become much easier. Very crudely one might say man is being lifted one considerable step closer to the spirit world, through his consciousness.

In closing this gap between man and spirit, the communication between the two is made much easier. But there will be side effects as you would imagine, and these will display themselves as memory loss, uncertainty and in some cases fear of what is happening and the changes all around. So, as is usual with such things, it is not a straightforward move up to the new vibrational level.

It is important that the vibrational level is increased across the board, that is not just on Earth but across other planets in the solar system and everything needs to be in step. So the timing for this is to a certain extent pre-determined, and it is unfortunate that numbers of people will find the change disagreeable, but there is really no way of avoiding this. It will however bring a large number of benefits to mankind in general, although there will be many detrimental side-effects along the way.

Unpleasant side effects of the new energies

We’re back to talk to you more about the new energy – the energy of the new era – which is currently pouring down onto earth and, as we’ve mentioned before on several occasions, will not be to everybody’s liking.

Certainly the more sensitive amongst you will be experiencing a whole range of symptoms if you like, in reaction to the make up of this new energy. Many of these will potentially be quite unsettling because it is ‘tuned to a different frequency’ is probably the best way to describe it, and this frequency will not resonate with the bodies; the cellular makeup; the DNA; the material of all individuals: many will find it uncomfortable; will find it distressing and frankly will be, subconsciously certainly, looking for a way out. This may sound unkind and rather dramatic but it’s simply a fact that it will not suit everybody by any means.

The symptoms which you’ve experienced, over a compressed period of time, are a good example of what many will be feeling. Ranging from headaches to a severe lack of energy, to a disruption of many body systems including perhaps the digestive system, night sweats and similar to that; all of these sorts of symptoms and many others – oh and not to forget the Arrhythmia – which, as you are now aware, is another knock-on effect of the new energy.

Your system is adjusting; your system is being re-tuned; your system is clearing out a lot of rubbish you might say – to put things rather crudely – to enable you to adjust and to re-tune to a higher frequency. This is sometimes a rather unpleasant process; it will vary from one individual to another – depending on their level of vibration or how evolved they are – and so a whole spectrum of experience will be the case.

What is happening now interestingly is that new arrivals to the planet – the newborn – are being programmed at the cellular or DNA level in a subtly different way; they are in tune with the new energy. They don’t experience this discomfort due to the new energy as they are in harmony with it. They are experiencing discomfort if you like from the rump of the old energy, from any residual effects of that, as they would be very out of step with the energy of the previous cycle.

So as you can see there is an overlapping period; there is a transitional phase which has to be gone through, where if you like all kingdoms are moving up together to attune to the new level of vibration; to attune to the new energies of the new era. The existing individuals within the kingdoms; those who are alive during this transitional phase, will come under pressure to adjust. Many will do so successfully; many will find the adjustment stressful and unpleasant but nonetheless they will achieve it; sadly many will also – and again this is across all the kingdoms – find it impossible, and they will be keen to exit the situation as they will find it impossible to find any harmony or equilibrium at the new level of vibration.

So if you like, you personally have been experiencing an extremely powerful and compressed version of what we have just described. As we remember at the outset you suffered from a lot of nausea and stomach upset – as you still do from time to time – also the severe lack of energy and headaches and the heart arrhythmia. So, none of these symptoms are anything to worry about. They are naturally occurring; they are due to a conflict within the body, and a necessity of the body to re-align and cleanse itself. It is unpleasant but it is necessary, and it is very much a trademark if you like of this transitional phase.

So thank you for coming back and receiving this information, which may be very useful to any number of people who are experiencing similar symptoms and are being caused distress by them.

Disorientation of the new driving energy

We want to talk to you about the new driving energy behind the step change in global consciousness.

The energies which drove the period that is now drawing to a close had their own particular characteristics and now that you are entering the changeover period, the period of disruption, and the driving force for the previous period has effectively been disengaged, you are in a strange in-between state where in effect you are free-wheeling.

However the new driving force for the new period is now filtering down to earth and many people are – especially the more sensitive amongst you – feeling the effects of this which can be quite disorientating and can cause you to feel unsure; uncertain of things; lethargic and uninspired. It can also cause you to challenge things that may have been very concrete in your life up until now. Your chosen work for example may no longer seem to be as important; it may not hold the same challenges and the same degree of interest.

Relationships too and here you may find yourself asking questions of your situation and you may no longer feel that interpersonal relationships are working as well as they might. You may find yourself disagreeing with people with whom you felt a strong sense of connection.

The period which you are passing through at present is very difficult because simultaneously the old systems, the old structures and the old thought processes – all of which are now being outmoded – need to be disengaged. Individuals will find themselves enquiring more deeply of things and challenging their own situation in a way which they probably were not prepared for.

So as the new energies filter down to people on earth this will cause disorientation because all that appeared to be set in stone is now up for discussion and is no longer as concrete and guaranteed as it might have seemed just a short while ago

Some individuals will suffer quite badly during this period and the experience of the new energy will be very disorientating. You will see an increase in types of anti-social and aberrant behaviour across the board. This is an over-reaction if you like to restructuring and re-alignment of the driving force; and yes some will be quite badly affected by this.

The more sensitive will be going through a period of disorientation. Many will sense nothing at all as sadly they are not really very connected at all and are unable to receive the subtler messages coming through

We are keen that you should receive and make as widely available as possible information of this nature because, as we’ve mentioned before, facilitating education and understanding of these matters is incredibly important.

There are few who are in a position to receive information such as this. Whilst many believe they are well connected and very psychic in their ability, not many of these individuals will be able to receive coherent information regarding this turbulent period.

Be sure to post such information to your site, and encourage as wide a readership as possible.

Our unhealthy view of death

We’ve come to talk to you more about life – and in this instance life and death. We want to talk to you about how totally out of kilter and out of balance is the modern day view of death, and how over a period of time death will begin to be viewed by more and more people not as such a final act, but rather it will be seen as more of a transition; a transition from one phase, from one form through to another.

It will obviously always be a traumatic experience. It is always difficult for loved ones, families, friends involved: this will never change and you wouldn’t expect it to. But it is the damaging way that it is viewed by so many in the modern world that needs to be corrected. It needs to be corrected for a number of reasons.

There are many ancient and tribal cultures; the vestiges of some of which are with us today, who do indeed treat death quite differently. They have some elaborate rituals and ceremonies which are conducted at the time of death, some of which will seem quite macabre and bizarre to the so-called developed western nations. But often the people in these ancient civilisations have actually a much more balanced view of the cycles, the process that life goes through; the phases that individuals go through during their development. These cycles of matter and spirit, and then matter and spirit and so on through this sometimes very slow but thorough process of moving up through consciousness; through awareness

The problem right now is that especially in western cultures death is swept under the carpet if you see what I mean; it’s almost denied. It’s a great shame the way this very natural part of life as it were is completely concealed, and in doing so it is a taboo subject that plays very little part in the life of western societies.

Such that it is unfortunately from a very early age taken out of proportion; its completely out of proportion to what it actually symbolises; to what it actually is which is nothing more than a difficult and traumatic exit from one phase through into another. The key point is that it is a natural moving on; it’s a natural occurrence; it is as natural as being born.

As we say this very narrow, stilted and unfortunate view of death will begin to change, especially as people start to ask more questions and understand more generally about the spiritual nature of their being, and as you were saying earlier an enormous amount of people deny that there is any spiritual aspect to their being whatsoever. So they are bound to view death with a great deal of foreboding and fear, because as far as so many people are concerned, that is it – that’s the end of the story; which of course it isn’t.

But as we say this view is unhelpful, and one which quite often holds individuals back as they move from matter to spirit. As they go through the process of dying it’s important that they are able to get away cleanly as it were. Now they won’t get away cleanly if the friends and family they leave behind are clinging on to them; through their thoughts and their wishes.

It’s important to enable the individual to move away from the death experience and to move on; there are many reasons for this and we won’t go into them now, but a change in attitude amongst many people will assist this process enormously: this has to be good news for everyone concerned.

Indigo children of the new era

As you are moving now into the most intense period of change during this transition into the era of higher consciousness, you certainly will be aware that there is an enormous amount of information now available.

As the new energy is engaged, information on a whole range of topics is poured down and being made available to as many individuals on earth as are prepared to engage with the process; to as many individuals who are prepared to do the necessary work on themselves to enable them to receive, collect and pass on this information.

The individuals who are most attuned to this, people like you, are extremely aware of the fact that this extra and additional information is available in abundance. You are also acutely aware that there is a very important education and informing role with regard to everything which is coming through

This is not to say that large numbers of less gifted individuals cannot receive information of this nature, as they can, and it is very useful for us to be able to spread this message far and wide. It will be received in varying degrees of complexity by those concerned depending upon their ability to pick up the “message”. So, many with psychic or intuitive type gifts have chosen to incarnate to coincide with this very important period.

It is of paramount importance to us that the maximum number of individuals who are aware and capable should facilitate the receipt and dispersal of this important educational material. It’s important in order to enable large numbers to understand what is happening and to mitigate as you know the effects of the fear and extreme anxiety which individuals will feel as the changes progress.

In addition to this large number of gifted individuals who are alive here today for this specific purpose, there are children being born today who are ‘programmed’ in a subtly different way to those who were coming to earth just a short while ago. One of the phrases which are attached to these individuals which your readers may have heard of is the “indigo children”. This is something which it would be interesting for both you and your friends to learn more about.

Essentially these children are very gifted and they have a subtly different genetic code and programming to previous children. They will have abilities which will seem quite normal to them and their peers which only a short time ago would have been considered quite exceptional. These of course will be spiritual and psychic abilities and it will be these children who will continue to challenge and undermine in a positive way the status quo, the establishment, the system as it exists today.

They will not tolerate the way in which human beings have been living; they will not tolerate the violence; they will not tolerate the duplicity; they will not tolerate the concentration of power; they will not tolerate the terrible conditions under which billions of souls are now required to exist. They will be genuinely quite surprised and shocked at the parlous state which man has allowed life to degenerate into if you like. They will be unwilling to buy into the status quo and they will be very strong forces for change.

So you see not only will society and the way individuals live and interact and behave be changing enormously, but the very make up of the people themselves is changing fundamentally. And this of course is essential in order to ensure that the core values essential for the success of human life into this new era are held and accepted as central to the shift.

There will be a willingness to embrace a totally new approach which is required in order for mankind to be steered away from his current path and back into harmony with all that is; with all that exists on earth. It is children with this new genetic makeup; this new predisposition towards an entirely new approach to the planet, who will ensure the future of life on earth.

How does one raise consciousness?

Of course this is what this whole period of change is focused upon, and it is very valid because there are a number of ways in which individuals can do this type of work, because indeed it is all about doing work on oneself.

So just to take a step back for a moment: It is extremely important that as many people as possible around the world today become aware of the period of change which is currently underway. This is why the ability to pass information through people like you and to find means of distributing it as far and wide as possible are so important.

To be aware of the real purpose of one’s life here on Earth might seem a simple objective, but when you look around and realise how few people are aware in any sense of the true purpose of their being, you can see it is quite an enormous task. There are many individuals who are able to receive information in this way, and are able to disseminate it, and of course you now have the internet which is an invaluable tool to assist this process.

So just making the largest number of individuals aware of the fact that you are immersed in an extremely important period of change, of transition, is in itself extremely valid. Moving on from that is the stage that your enquiry is all about and that is actually being in a position to make a conscious decision to work on oneself; to raise one’s level of consciousness and to make as it were a conscious effort to do so.

This can take many different forms, but essentially this can be done on an individual basis – on one’s own as it were – through a meditative practice or contemplation or similar type of activity. It can be done on one’s own or in a group situation working within institutions for example, where one may choose for a period of time to step out of modern society and operate in a more secluded environment, where the focus, the energy and the situation are all geared towards this type of work.

Then of course there are all types of what might be called service, and this label could be attached to the work that you are doing, which by the way you find from time to time extremely difficult, in that it proves difficult to reconcile with the day to day earthly existence. Nonetheless it is a very valid form of raising one’s consciousness through the channelling work and the meditative activity which runs alongside it. There are a number of references to these types of practice which are spread among the large number of documents which have been delivered. So that’s an attempt to give an idea of how this type of activity focused on raising consciousness actually works on the ground.

Sadly the vast majority of individuals never get to this point, or rather have not gotten to this point at this stage in time. So you can see that it is a lengthy process and we know that there on Earth there are many courses or groups which you can attend that promise a whole host of advantages through their particular method; their particular approach to this work.

We should say with a word of caution at this point that there is no shortcut; there is no easy way to raise one’s consciousness. So if there are courses or groups promising the ability to leapfrog and shortcut the situation, this is simply inaccurate. It is all down to individual effort; indeed effort is central to all of this work. It is not something which can be done casually or something which can be undertaken in a detached or unfocused way.

It requires effort from the individual and it will, certainly when compared with modern lifestyles quite often seem unappealing, perhaps lonely and rather dull. But it is this type of focus that is essentially the main purpose for an individual’s being. There is no benefit to be gained through simply living successive lives in matter without any progress on a spiritual basis.

At some point the individual will be required to engage with the key and serious issues. However as you are aware free will applies, and there is no coercion in this situation. It is down to the individual to eventually arrive at that point which determines his focus and the direction of his attention.

So hopefully this is a useful pointer if you like towards how individuals can make progress in this area. It will become progressively more straightforward to do so as you move into the new era, due to the fact that an increasing number of individuals will become aware of their situation and their position within the overall picture. They will become much more aware of their connectedness and of the importance of viewing all aspects of life on Earth, and life elsewhere, as being interconnected and interdependent.

So this very unreal and unhelpful separation which pervades the situation on Earth at present will soon come to be seen as an aberration if you like. It will be seen as a distorted view of the real situation, and in this way man will be able to regain his balance and a correct view of his sense of purpose and his very reason for incarnating

Experiencing separation and union

This is a few words on separation and union; it’s a very important point, a key point, central to the whole current experience of moving to a new level of consciousness, because it is the ultimate return to that sense of oneness, to that sense of divinity, that sense of return to being complete.

It is that which is, to a great extent, the driving force behind everything. Separation is the condition which is experienced by the soul and is manifest by the whole variety of sufferings if you like which mankind can experience on this planet. Unfortunately the life experience on this planet; the experience of matter, the experience of physicalness is absorbing and fascinating, and has in many cases obscured the real purpose of the experience in the first place.

There is a layer – in fact there exists many layers – which need to be removed and discarded, in order for the true sense of purpose to rise again to the surface. This will happen during the coming transitional phase; so these issues are all about to be attended to. But it is absolutely key for the evolution of man, the planet and the universe that mankind returns to some sort of balanced perspective on the purpose of his existence, and the purpose of his experiences – many of which seem to be so unpleasant and are so keenly avoided if you like by man.

The state of being totally immersed in material life needs to be reversed. We would, if you like, require man to ‘come up for air’ and open his eyes momentarily, to realise that the physical experience of things in matter is just that – experience of things in matter; but its very much a means to an end and should never be viewed as an end in itself.

So the next few years will present an opportunity. An opportunity to re-focus the minds of mankind on to the true work; the true work of raising awareness and consciousness; the true work of understanding about experience in the material world, whilst keeping a clear focus on this return to oneness; this return to unity, which is the true purpose. And it is this sense of the lack of wholeness if you like, which causes much anxiety and discomfort amongst mankind. This nagging sense of inadequacy; this nagging sense of less than being complete; this nagging sense of insufficiency.

It is these feelings which so greatly influence the way in which life is conducted, and lead to the attempts on the part of man to extinguish this anxiety and this nagging doubt through immersing himself in the material world. It is like applying some sort of dressing if you like to ease the discomfort of a sore on the body. There is little attempt to understand the true cause of the lesion, only attempts to ameliorate the unpleasantness caused by it.

This will be attended to, and the ‘wholeness’ - a return to the holistic view - will be the key focus. This will then help man extract himself from his blind immersion in the material world, and enable him to re-focus on a true sense of purpose.

The consequences of fear

It will be a very important aspect of the changes in that excessive fear, on the part of mankind, will distort and delay the process of change: it has done in the past; it may well do again in the future.

At present it is important to spread as much information as possible as far and wide, throughout the global population, in an attempt to address this: in an attempt to minimise and to mitigate the fear which is experienced by mankind.

This fear carries its own particular energy and this energy will have a very negative effect. We’d like to talk in more detail about this, and in particular we’d like to talk about the human process of thought, because it is at the root of the problem.

As you know thought is probably the most powerful thing that mankind possesses, although individuals would say that this is inaccurate and that action is far more powerful and far more important; but this actually is not the case. Every activity that occurs on Earth with mankind is prompted or initiated by the process of thought.

Thoughts are extremely powerful; they are a form of energy, and there is at present a quite dense miasma of thought – a thick fog if you like of thought – which wraps itself around the planet. This obviously is invisible – and you need to understand this very clearly – this miasma of thought is fairly impenetrable to the energies which will become the driving force for the new era.

This energy in these driving forces, which need to make their way to Earth, is quite often distorted, reflected and reduced considerably by this thick fog of human thought which surrounds the planet.

A quick aside at this point: it is worth noting that it is the work of a particular group of devic forces to process and recycle this miasma of thought – this blanket of negativity – which surrounds the Earth, in order to reduce and attempt to remove it as the stumbling block which it is to progress.

However, its unfortunate but mankind is extremely adept at replacing this blanket of negative thought and energy which surrounds the globe, and as quickly as the devic forces reprocess it, it reappears.

Is is the negative energy associated with fear that is directly linked to the thought processes of the human mind. Not only is fear liable to cause panic and irrational behaviour on a large scale, it is also prompting extreme amounts of negative thought which will only go to compound the problem of blocking the new driving energy from the Earth.

So as you can see fear, and all the negative energies associated with it, will continue to reinforce and strengthen the already fairly impervious barrier of negative energy which surrounds the globe, and it will only serve to delay the eventual movement into the new era.

This delay is something which is very useful to avoid, and for this reason it is information made available as far and wide as possible, which will be the antidote to fear, because if people can be made to understand the true nature of what is happening all around, then this will go a long way to allaying fear.

Despite the fact that they will be witnessing on the face of it a destructive dismantling of the world which they know, they will if provided with sufficient information quite possibly view things differently, and rather than being inclined towards panic and extreme negativity they may be inclined towards assisting in the process, speeding up the process by thinking and behaving in a more supportive and accepting way.

Acceptance is at the core of the whole process, because acceptance of one’s situation on a personal level; acceptance of the situation facing a nation; acceptance of the situation facing the world at large, will help enormously to speed up the process of change; will go a long way to reducing this fog of negativity. This is very much the way in which we would hope it is possible to progress.

Resistance, as you know yourself on a personal level, simply makes life more difficult and uncomfortable, and protracts the issues. It is by far the more acceptable route to take one of acceptance rather than one of resistance.

However, it is unreasonable to expect that the vast majority of beings on the planet will view things in this way: you are moving into a period of extreme disruption and volatility. Activities will now happen at short notice: they will be unsettling and distressing. So to expect a large number of people to simply accept them is probably unrealistic.

All we would say is that the more the negativity can be reduced, and the more the acceptance of the situation in which one finds oneself is increased, the better. Hopefully this has gone some way to helping you understand why fear is the biggest problem you face at this juncture on Earth.

Ignorance and the serious threat it poses

This message will be all about the information that you receive, its purpose, and the reasons why it is coming through to you now in such a constant stream.

The process of evolution if you like, the process of shifting or raising consciousness, is constantly going on in the background. It goes in cycles and these cycles have a certain length; each with its own particular register and characteristics, which pick it out from cycles which may have come before or which may be yet to happen.

Growth of consciousness is the primary reason for man’s presence on earth. It is a process of experiencing detachment; experiencing remoteness; experiencing being removed from the whole. It is a process which has been going on far longer than most of you would believe, and it is a process which has certainly in recent times not been entirely successful. In fact the closing phase, the critical phase, of the last cycle was disastrous and could be said to have set mankind’s cause back a considerable way.

You see there is no need to embrace any of this: mankind is always free to behave as well or badly as he thinks fit, and it is for this reason that the conclusion of the previous period was not altogether successful: culminating in the loss of a complete civilisation and the scattering of many souls.

Then the process of re-grouping, recovering and focusing on the next task in hand was made that much harder; it became an enormous task. Whereas if mankind had been able to embrace the changes and take on board what was required; approach the process with a degree of humility, the outcome would have been much more positive. So you see mankind doesn’t exactly have a history of glowing success in these matters – far from it.

The situation which applies today is quite different in many respects. Although yes you are at the end of a long cycle of evolution and there is the attendant ‘quickening’; the pace of everything becomes frenetic: all of these things are in common. The degree to which mankind has wandered away from his spiritual path; lost contact with his spiritual self, is much greater than was the case at the end of the last period.

At the end of the last period man had a very well developed sense of his ‘wholeness’; of all aspects of his spiritual and material self. Today sadly this is virtually totally lacking, and the material aspects of life have for many almost completely taken over; there is almost no space left for the spiritual aspect of man to occupy – he is almost squeezed completely off the page.

Spiritual life, spiritual activity, spiritual knowledge at the end of the previous cycle (Atlantean times) was understood, respected and developed by a great many individuals, in a way which would be very surprising for people to see today. It was however abused: powers were abused; abilities were abused; technologies, which in many cases were far more advanced than yours today, were abused. As always power was the issue; the control and exercise of power: this was the crux. This was what caused such a dramatic and disastrous final chapter

There is little likelihood of power, or the abuse of power, posing the same threat this time around. The real threat from the closing stages of this period, which you are now very much in, comes from ignorance and a total lack of awareness of what actually is going on: of how it goes on, why it goes on and what it means. With the exception of a few extremely enlightened and aware individuals, the vast majority are simply charging through their existence on a bumper spree of acquisition and accumulation.

So the task which you and others like you have been set is to draw down into the world information, knowledge, and an awareness. And it is this information, this knowledge, this awareness which will be necessary. It will be necessary to steady the ship when things start to get unpleasant, as they will. When the system, which everyone has come to depend so heavily upon, begins to falter: when it starts not to work in the way that it should do. Because by this time, and only due to the stuttering of the system which mankind has created, there will be a lot of uncertainty.

Many of the aspects of life which man has come to depend on totally, and to accept as if they were the very ‘truths’ of existence, will be shaken; many will falter. There will be quite frankly change on a scale which most individuals will find difficult to comprehend. And this is the problem because this is where potentially comes fear; and fear causes all sorts of irrational behaviour. It is the more extreme irrational behaviour that we are keen in some way to mitigate or avoid.

So people will read this and they will think “ah yes, another document highlighting the upheavals, the consequences and so on; serious change is around the corner, there will be lots of fear and this is what the information is for” Then they’ll go and get on with their next job and completely forget about it. Such is the nature of man. He will pay it cursory attention and then move on to the next most important thing under his nose.

However it will have registered that there is a plan; it will have registered that there will be serious disruption; it will have registered that many things that man currently takes for granted simply will no longer work in the way that they did. So he or she will have somewhere to come when things get difficult: because things will get difficult and only at that point will they actively seek any information.

So this is why you are drawing all of this material down to the earth, and producing documents as you are, and posting them for all and sundry to study and to understand. Some will immediately recognise the importance of this: most will not. Make no mistake many will return once things start to liven up. You might be surprised how much information they will then demand or should we say request, and how much more interested they will become once things are no longer as certain as they were a short time ago.

So we would ask you to maintain your level of activity, and to remain focused on the task. However difficult you find it, it will definitely pay dividends. It will prove a lifeline to many. We would ask you to post this to your page as you would do normally, and return to work with us again whenever you are able.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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