Human Bodies, Spirits and Aliens

Q: Who designed the human bodies we have on Earth or why did they evolve to be what they are?

HS: There is a component of evolution yet it is minor so we shall address evolution of bodily function and form after the larger question of design.

Q: So the basic structure and form of a human body is not evolution from smaller cells?

HS: No. As we have said before, bodies in your solar system have existed on what was the planet of your asteroid belt, then Mars and now Earth. Each time there was a contribution to what you have recently discovered to be DNA, as there is with all living things, a code or map for the structure to grow.

Q: There will be disagreement and dissent with this, saying it cannot be proven.

HS: Proof is criteria as we have said many a time; criteria cannot be set against that which is not known or understood. As the round Earth could not be proven thus its existence was false, so would be reaction to extraterrestrial introduction of genetic code on Earth.

Q: Before we turn back to human bodies, I must ask about science and criteria in general; we have been told by you that science - and research into it - are hindered, so has there been and will there be introduction of understanding into human knowledge generally accepted?

HS: Yes, there has been and always will be. The haphazard discovery of scientific knowledge is too unstructured and far too long a wait for the benefit of human existence. There is no random discovery of scientific knowledge in the universe, although it is planned to seem this way. The discovery and development of scientific principles on Earth are largely grown from the seeds provided. This is done to ensure understanding of risks as the benefits are explored. It is possible to strap a toddler to a tricycle and roll it down a hill and some of these small children would even enjoy it until the inevitable crash. The desire of humanity to have anti-gravity devices, ease of space visit and travel, powerful electromagnetic transmission apparatuses and nearly instant viewing of surface detail and activity anywhere, would become the toddler's tricycle crash. Better to allow the toddler a look, and climb aboard and small, easy turns of the pedals.

Q: The problem many humans will have with this is the condescension this view holds; somehow we are not able to manage for ourselves and need to be monitored?

HS: You do.

Q: Can you provide an example?

HS: Debate about weapons continues, yet the debate falls too easily upon the inanimate object. This is a simple thing to control; controlling yourselves is more complicated and controlling each other a two edged sword. The suggestions to eliminate weapons rarely examine benefits simultaneously. What formula has humanity devised to allow creation of and utmost respect for a sovereign nation that can still be violated for misdeeds by its leaders? Even as this is written, such problem continues. Against this pattern, introduction of technologies that you have not yet collectively understood against risks and effects is done carefully. We see this way as the highest of love and respect, despite a leaning towards subjugation that might be seen. The majority of humanity is not aware of its place, role and prominence in the galaxy so this view, many humans might have, is not so difficult for us to appreciate.

Q: OK, let's get back to human bodies and even animal bodies.

HS: All of you have them, who read this; go on.

Q: Why two legs and two arms?

HS: There are many beings with more; in the case of humans, the legs are for locomotion, the arms manipulation of environment. There are many four legged beings, and many with six or eight or even many more. All for specific purpose.

Q: Are there extraterrestrials with the same four limb


HS: Yes, a two leg, two arm, upper head cerebral cavity is ideal for many planetary environments.

Q: How different is Earth body chemistry from other planets?

HS: Quite different; iron versus copper, carbon versus silicone are just two differences to be found. Use of oxygen, lungs for process of incoming and outgoing gases and oxidation of sustenance for energy are common throughout the galaxy, with variations.

Along with these differences there are variations in appearance, size and external features. Some aspects of these have developed on Earth but these are small characteristics, skin tone, hair texture and so forth. Specific to certain climates and conditions.

Q: What about plants and animals?

HS: The same pattern; all of your religious ideas of Earth as created by God are true, based on introduction of life on Earth from the Heavens.

Q: In Earth time reference, how long has Earth existed? How many rotations about the Sun has Earth made since its creation?

HS: Approximately four billion.

Q: For how much of this time has there been life here?

HS: Approximately half; for the great majority of this half time of life, there has only been what you call plant life. Animals capable of locomotion and flight, only a few percent of this latter half.

Q: Let's see, that means four billion, divide by two equals two billion, so only one to two percent of that means twenty to forty million years for animal life.

HS: Yes, and biped humanoids only a small percentage of that.

Q: How much?

HS: Approximately five percent.

Q: That means only one to two million years. That's a broad spread, a one hundred percent difference. Why can't we know more precisely?

HS: Time as you understand it on Earth has been re-set and reconfigured during this period, so both answers apply, as you would view this from distinct perspectives.

Q: How?

HS: Switching of timelines; the concept of parallel reality. These are real and parallels are really just larger or smaller spheres; as the sphere expands, the distance along its surface grows even if the two points remain in equivalent positions to each other; when the sphere or globe is turned in different directions, the previous line can be seen to curve, stretch and rebound. Time is elastic but Earth existence requires a view of fixed rhythm. Thus we cannot say one million years in absolute terms; that would be incorrect yet Earth scientists would insist upon precision to fit this. Where accuracy by Earth mathematical formulae were not achieved, incorrect it would be declared. We say, your Earth ideas of precision are often too simplistic in their linearity.

Q: Wow; "dafuq did I just read?"

HS: Re-read you may, as you would like. We have time you allow as we have none and unlimited. Simultaneously.

Q: So by Earth time, humans as we have them – as we are – are a one to two million year deal?

HS: Yes.

Q: The current civilization of the latest of three we know about, Lemuria, Atlantis and now….what name shall we give?

HS: You shall choose the name you like when your civilization is no more. This comes farther down the elliptical path, or your road.

Q: Why can't it have a name now?

HS: A trend is only identified once underway and cycle known only after completion. Thus the end of the civilization on Earth as you now know it will come and a name will be used to refer to it, only when that happens.

Q: Since you can see there is no time and there are parallel realities, what name is going to be chosen?

HS: It comes not from English as you now know it, so it will be not easy to pronounce. We can say you will call this current civilization on Earth, Ostopolis. [I hope I got this right – Q].

Q: Is this like Azatlán from Atlantis, Atlantic Ocean, Atlanta, Georgia? So Ostopolis…means what?

HS: West, as the word for the direction opposite or against Earth rotation.

Q: What did Atlantis mean?

HS: Your mythical god Atlas, this is one variation which means holding and supporting the Earth. The leaders of the civilization believed they achieved this, through scientific discovery.

Q: Lemuria?

HS: East or in the direction of the planet's rotation.

Q: I can hear the howling and dispute over this already.

HS: It does not matter; the name is a simple identifier. Many could be chosen and all would serve purpose.

Q: Can we visit and survive in the atmospheres and environments of other planets?

HS: Certainly, as could and have visitors from others in yours.

Q: There are risks, though.

HS: Yes, the risks are biological and severe, in both directions.

Q: Is human adaptation and mutation random or controlled?

HS: Both; the pattern of mutation for purposes of survival by adaptation of new conditions is an established pattern, controlled by you from Heaven. The need for modification to bodily function to manage circumstances such as diseases, is planned and implemented. Mutations are aberrations but also portends and memories not common.

Q: I recently read lobsters have an enzyme that allows DNA to reproduce entirely, without decay or deterioration of the molecule, as that happens to almost all beings. This allows lobsters to live and grow indefinitely. Could this be done for humans?

HS: Yes. Physical hazards would end lives after a time for nearly everyone. The challenge for the lobster is size; for carbon based chemical structures of Earth beings, with ingestion of carbohydrates, it requires continuous growth, which ceases as adulthood arrives. The process of replacement cell creation works not well with a fixed size and thus human and all animal bodies would grow in size indefinitely. This alone would create hazards and barriers to lives multiples longer than the existing. You incarnate on Earth to achieve a plan, lesson and to fulfill an experience. The ending is a great part of this, it is desired. The human urge to live forever is already satisfied; you all will anyway.

Q: What about animals and plants?

HS: The less complicated the cerebral function, the longer a plant and some animals may live, until physical hazards operate. Large trees lose ability to resist wind and their own weight.

Q: Are there any changes to Earth human bodies and functions coming?

HS: Yes.

Q: Can you name them?

HS: Reproduction, sustenance from nutrition and longevity will all evolve. There will be fewer humans and less chronic disease. Along with a greater development in technology there will be simpler existence. Devices, apparatuses and implements will be less common in human life than currently popular. Greatest of all change will be acceptance of variations; it is common among humans to classify society along many lines of differentiation and to seek association with like ideas. It is uncommon to seek disagreement and divergence; it is shunned in many aspects. This will change, considerably.

Q: Can you give an example?

HS: Many of you are aware of the energies of all things that surround your life and some have discovered enjoyment, pleasure and peace from this understanding. The design of a dwelling, the arrangement of furnishings and choice of diet are just three ways this is explored. It is not uncommon to find followers of these newer ideas, who in actuality are simply remembering aspects of prior lives and of home in Heaven, to simultaneously reverse the advances achieved in these understandings by criticizing others who do not adhere to these ways. This latest permutation of societal classification will fade among humanity; humans like to see similar things and seek them. This will be altered and disagreement and divergence will be actively pursued; disposal of a differing characteristic in order to fit in, or grouping together by similarity of characteristic when disposal of the feature is not possible, will stop. Disappointment this will cause in not so many centuries of Earth time, from now. A political Conservative will find like minded attitudes tedious and seek adversaries; the adversaries will welcome disagreement and the self proclaimed ideas of the right will not be influenced by the ideas of the other persuasion. The differences will be enjoyed. This development in human society has long since been absent and appears unfathomable to nearly all of you today.

Q: It sounds like difference will fade; homogenous thinking will come to be.

HS: No, this will not be. By your current Earth views, this seems likely however it extrapolates into a set of circumstances that will not be present.

Q: Back to bodies; why are there no three legged animals?

HS: Inefficiency.

Q: Why no four eyed beings?

HS: There are many types of vision organs, some with many eyes. In each case, efficiency of purpose.

Q: Why are some body types considered attractive and others not?

HS: This is subjective and often is entirely soul memory and life plan design. Attractive or otherwise is entirely the view of the adjective.

Q: Why are thinner people considered more attractive?

HS: Health; reproduction is more desirable with such bodily type, as all things are created in human societies. To seek the beneficial and avoid the detrimental. These are social. Great opportunity arises in the body type chosen, as a soul will learn great lessons by all features and aspects, as surrounding people react and interact.

We suggest a gorilla, which sees no difference between human females in terms of attraction and appearance, all humans cause it initial concern. Likewise the female gorilla to the human male, yet also the same thing is seen, despite vast difference of reaction.

Q: Cancer rates have increased steadily for decades; why?

HS: Two reasons; better detection of the conditions you call cancer and more so, a greater number of life plans programmed this way.

Q: You're suggesting more people want to get cancer?Or that anyone wanted it?

HS: No; cancer is shunned. For this reason, it is programmed into a life. The absolute desire to NOT have such disease is what its development offers. Once designed into a life, you come to Earth having forgotten it and when it occurs, you do not remember this plan. It is kept from you, by your Guides and Angels, by your wish and instruction.

Q: Will there ever be a cure for most cancers as now occur?

HS: Yes, the persons who shall discover this already live on Earth; the cure for the diseases will come when no more practical benefit to its occurrence is seen. This phase of humanity approaches.

Q: The idea human habits cause it, is this true?

HS: Yes, and these habits are programmed into your life by you. The ability to break the habit, cure the disease are also opportunities often contained in the design of the experience. Then you shall choose, and great benefit comes to the person, in any way the disease is resolved and concluded.

Q: That's pretty horrible, to say somebody benefits by dying of cancer.

HS: You do not benefit from a cancer death, as a human. You are far more.

Q: Will we learn to manipulate human DNA and life forms?

HS: Yes, this will be learned again as was known during Atlantis' latter stages of existence. The abuse of the technology will not be common; you are unlikely to create again Centaurs and Mermaids as was done once. Eradication of disease and repair of injury will be the common applications. Re-growth of limbs and organs will result from this, in a century or so.

Q: Or so?

HS: Bear with us, we ask you; a series of events will take place. We already know how they will be followed and arranged for this has already been chosen, you see. What we do not know is how YOU on Earth will arrange on your time line of illusion; what order you will choose to follow. Will the house have its interior installed before the outer siding or after? This choice is open even as the completion of the house is already set. The choice and occurrence of weather to affect the outside, and delay completion, will move the finishing moment along this timeline. We see the globe, the sphere and know it will rotate, stop and have a set location. How you choose to rotate by your choice will affect the lines drawn by the various points on the sphere's surface.

So we cannot tell you what have not chosen, we can only estimate the route and length you shall control. The destination you have already set.

Q: One last human body question; why do some people worry so much about its appearance?

HS: You forget to love yourself; remind yourself that you do. Not that you should; all of you already love yourselves and know this but for having forgotten to do it. Is not the most beautiful thing in a person a deep look into the eyes? Is this not the most attractive thing? It is the window into the soul and this close look given and received is the greatest beauty, is it not? Do this and worry of appearance will evaporate.

What are aliens, extraterrestrials and what are spirits? What are the similarities, differences and how does all of it relate to humanity on Earth, if any? ......

Q: Extraterrestrials have physical bodies like us, right?

HS: Similar in structure and composition, yes. How much they are like you, in your way of understanding similarity, you would decide. We say yes, you might say otherwise.

Q: What differences are there?

HS:They are what your biology calls bipeds, with two legs for movement and also two limbs for all other uses, beyond location and movement. The sizes of eye organs and the placement are larger; the quantities of light from stars allows this and encourages it. The cerebral organs and skulls are also often larger than yours and you shall find larger and smaller sized bodies. Coloring is different; the presence of copper and silicone, where iron and carbon are found on Earth bodies, creates a difference in hue. There is much less body hair, often very little.

Q: Are these differences mostly environmental?

HS:The environment and conditions are a factor however development of society is also a large reason for the differences. Physical work humans have traditionally done is unique.

Q:Many stories and fables about centaurs, mermaids and other mythical creatures suggest strange biological combinations that would be created by whom?

HS:These combinations existed on Earth, created through ability to manipulate your DNA codes. As Atlantis was destroyed, so was the technology and soon desire and ability to create the torso of a human on the body of a horse.

Q: Are our computer codes part of this?

HS: They are a basic facsimile of the process, yes.

Q:I suspect our computer animations and programs mimic what is "manifestation" or creation of physicality from thought; is this right?


Q: So extraterrestrial visitors to Earth travel in ships or vessels across great distances, enter Earth's atmosphere and observe. Do they use protective suits or other gear?

HS: Yes, this is done and beyond clothing or other suits or outerwear, generally not.

Q: Do all extraterrestrials have the ability to breathe our atmosphere?

HS: No, however visitors that venture onto the surface, yes.

Q: What are the thinking differences?

HS: Spoken communication is rare, however vocal chords for it are sometimes, if rarely used. Ears and sound detection are common, just as sounds have great meaning to you and all animals on Earth, so do your visitor cousins derive great benefit from detection of sound.

Q: From how far away can the unspoken communication take place?

HS:It is very close when young, in what you call infancy and the toddler stages of life and expands until the equivalent of puberty or adolescence is reached. Then the ability extends throughout the population on the one or any respective planet.

Q: Extraterrestrials read our thoughts?

HS: Of course, and you can read theirs if you wish. Just as you can learn another language of your Earth, the effort and inputs are similar.

Q: When encountering extraterrestrials, we are not able to collaborate secretly?


Q: OK, then what's a spirit?

HS: No physical body as you and your visitor cousins have.

Q: Do extraterrestrials also die and go to "Heaven"?

HS: Many of you have lived as these "extraterrestrials" and yes, just as you do.

Q: Is there the same isolation and wall of separation for aliens as humans?

HS: Yes, with more doorways, windows and hatches.

Q: Can extraterrestrials more easily communicate with their Guardian Angels and Guides? Do they all have them?

HS: Yes and yes, although often a lesser number at any one moment. The efficiency of communication requires less assistance in most circumstances and situations.

Q: How does a human know the difference?

HS:Your own spirits and guides and Angels will communicate with you as you ask and also as they believe good for you; extraterrestrials will not until you ask and request and then only with your permission, through your guides. So if you wish to receive thought communications from extraterrestrials, you would ask. If one or several are available and willing, they shall answer you. This is rare as the proportion of humans to visitors does not favor it; the extraterrestrials already know which humans are more open to receive and converse. We say, you have attracted a crowd in this moment, very aware the subject is being discussed.

Q: Are extraterrestrials just as fascinated with the idea of their own guides and Angels?

HS: Yes.

Q: What is the lifespan of the typical extraterrestrial?

HS: This typical applies not; there are many variations. By the equivalence of your Earth years and time, several hundred however time moves not the same for all physical beings of the universe. These concepts mesh not well from the views of the one or the other. The independent observer appreciates the dichotomies of this "time" concept as applicable in the many interpretations.

Q: Why are human only now going to see visitor presence? What changed?

HS:Evolution on Earth and energies in the universe.

Q: Have we evolved well?

HS: You have been placed in the center of a great wilderness with all features of Earth as you know them; forests, valleys, mountains, rivers, plains and otherwise. You travel outward and eventually reach the edge of the wilderness, which is finite. Which path shall have been taken? Yes, the walk through the valley would be far easier than climbing the mountains and certainly much less interesting. All routes provide great benefit and growth; decisions made along the way and the consequences all provide an interesting experience. The opportunity to return and try again in completely different circumstances allows a rebuilding and upbuilding only possible upon the experience already achieved. Against this each of you shall decide upon a deathbed, a life review and a life planned what "well evolved" shall mean for each of you, alone.

Q:Spirits have no physical body?

HS:Not as you understand it, no. The sensations created by the limits of physicality, also no.

Q: Do aliens benefit from the physical existence as do humans?

HS: At least as much, if not even more. As you all shall, as evolution of physical bodies proceeds on Earth.


The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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