The Shift

Q: When will ice melts, sea level rises, volcanic eruptions and all sorts of physical mayhem begin to occur, as part of The Shift to higher dimensions?

HS: All of these, as part of a shift in energy, are already occurring.

Q: How would we know?

HS: Because we have told you, yet this statement would meet with polite, highly raised eyebrows, in many people. Humanity has developed its distorted scientific methodology and what cannot be inserted is not and thus, is not.

Q: What do you mean by "distorted scientific methodology"?

HS: What is understood as scientific investigation is a self reinforcing limitation imposed by initial stages of understanding; humans have learned to enforce a method of inquiry that builds upon prior experience. This benefits the investigation and research yet also hinders it. This approach assumes discoveries will be made at an unknown point as rigorous steps of experimentation and observation are followed. It recognizes unknown discovery points arise yet believes the methodical approach will lead there. This approach often leads away and around, caused by assumptions.

Q: Can you provide an example?

HS: Yes, global warming or climate change, as the phenomena is widely known.

Q: This understanding is "distorted"?

HS: Yes; entirely and it also highlights human emotion, which curiously, is also involved in the physical manifestation of climate aberrations. The approach has studied perceived effects and known contributing sources yet does not consider effects unmeasured or possible undiscovered factors.

Weather patterns on Earth have always been cyclical, with many anomalies and aberrations, the trend becoming understood over a period of time, when examining the series of events.

Current human investigation into climate change assumes human effects cause or contribute; other effects are not considered; they are not recognized. Humans do not inhabit the majority of the Earth's surface and take few measurements in the vast number of these places, mountaintops and oceans. Heat rises against gravity yet regular temperature measurements at low, medium and high altitudes are not regularly done.

Q: Is there climate change or global warming?

HS: Not yet, although it now begins.

Q: Begins how?

HS: Volcanic eruptions and ash will, and are beginning, to rise to higher altitude. These will trap Earth's own heat. We suggest heat rising inside a room, a fire's smoke its visual indicator. The smoke that marks the warm air from a same source, will rise to spread horizontally. When more horizontal movement is not possible, the smoke and heat accumulate to lower and lower levels. This same effect now begins on Earth.

Q: If it were possible to take temperature reading at higher altitudes near or just below volcanic ash, what would be found?

HS: Nothing yet, however no good database, as you would call it, exists against which new readings could be compared. There are bits of data, smidgens of information, but not comprehensive and therefore, not indicative.

Q: How long will this effect require before it is noticed and for how long will the higher temperatures remain?

HS: The effects will be noticed as sufficient ash builds up; the radiant heat of Earth will be trapped inside your atmosphere. As temperatures rise at higher altitudes and descend this will affect clouds and thus rainfall, which shall generally increase. The blockage of heat will dim sunlight reaching the surface until sufficient ash sinks and eventually falls from atmosphere suspension. This perceived dim period will be several years.

Annual crops and plants requiring certain quantities of sunlight exposure will not grow and other will fall dormant, especially many trees.

Q: This will affect crops and cause hunger and even starvation?

HS: No; it will be possible to cultivate substitute crops. There will be dislike of this change to diet, but sufficient nutrients will be available.

Q: So when are all these climate changes going to happen?

HS: You would like a month and a year?

Q: Of course, to prepare!

HS: This brings forward again the subject of time and its emphasis on Earth.

Off your planet and away from its surface existence, there is a series or grouping of events, some requiring of others to happen either before or after – and these are really the same event, in parts – some events otherwise. You do not see this on Earth, your timeline arranges all events along its path. This makes the differentiation or separation of each necessary. Events do not occur this way; they are arranged spherically, around the surfaces of globes created by their alignments.

As you ask us for a date and a time, what you have requested in practice, although you do not perceive it, is a rotation of a globe. Your Earth is a facsimile or representation of this same thing; at any given instant, it is also yesterday or tomorrow somewhere else on Earth, depending upon which direction one looks.

So it is with dates and times and we say, the arrangement of the events about a series of spherical grouping are what matter. The effect and the size and the interaction with other spheres, which is the function of all the universe.

The flatness perceived of the surface, and the sequence of events require dates and times, that are easily arranged and re-arranged by the view of Earth you have.

Q: Does this mean the eruption of a volcano can be made to happen later or earlier?

HS: By your view yes, however it has its location upon the globe of the events. This does not change, what is changed is the view of the globe and along the sequential arrangement of Earth time, the unpacking of the globe or sphere to artificially place these events is different. So the date by your calendar sequence appears to change.

Q: Many disasters have been foretold recently, some serious ones by human impact. Few have come to pass.

HS: They will occur, to the effect of the completion of eventuality. By the dates and times you desire to see, haphazardly or randomly.

Q: Is this just that we should not be told, to avoid disruption, or we cannot be told, as it is uncertain?

HS: Both, in many cases.

Q: There are cases of specific time and place of occurrence?

HS: Yes, of course, especially as specific events have effect on one or a few people. These your Angels will never warn you to avoid or pursue, if that knowledge disturbs your plan of life.

Q: So, the specific order of occurrences that make up the shift in current world consciousness can be altered; when will the greater series of the necessary events be complete, no matter how the order might be shuffled as they happen?

HS: There remain twenty years at the minimum and twenty five is probable, even likely.

Q: What will humans do to lengthen or shorten this phase?

HS: React; individual to collective responses – as the ones sum to the greater – will determine the speed of rotation of the sphere of this containment.

Q: What reactions are recommended and favorable and what reactions are discouraged?

HS: Value judgments you request, an opportunity we shall decline. It is initially any one of you to determine what favorable is for you, and then to step back and observe the pattern established. Once understood, then continuance or alterations can be made to effect. This we can never do for you individually or collectively; thieves of the highest order would we become, to suggest what you solely determine good, better and ideal or worse, detrimental or to be avoided. You choice and will are sacred and never to be forced but by you.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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