The World After The Shift Part-VIII: Sports

"Another short and concise chapter, little detail requires this topic. We trust the reader now understands our earlier comment about booklet, regarding the length of this chaptered communication.

Friendly athletic and skill competitions, between individuals and teams, will continue but become much reduced. Leagues which now require frequent long distance travel will be less active.

Some leagues will dissolve, newer and more local created in their places. An example we can give is the rugby league between New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, which will not be able to continue as it has, absent frequent affordable air travel it now requires.

Smaller crowds of fans will become common, large stadiums and venues will no longer be constructed. Social changes overall will distract many would-be fans, who focus their time, energy and efforts on things not seen as competitive for little purpose beyond entertainment. Others will find great refuge and solace in the distraction entertainment provides. These tendencies already exist, however will be more noticed.

Broadcasts of competitions will continue, these will become generally available through internet communications and require a fee paid per event. The availability will be worldwide and in general. This type of payment for each event scheme already exists, and will expand."

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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