Why does The Shift happen?

The Cause

The Centre of the Universe, the point from where it expanded, is located about 1 billion light years from the Earth. In terms of the diameter of your galaxy, the Milky way, it would be about 10,000 galaxy away.  To provide a reference, the distance to your nearest galaxy neighbour Andromeda is one quarter of one percent the distance to the center of the universe, thus the center is 400 hundred times the distance between Andromeda and The Milky Way.

In the centre of the Universe, an energy builds up and is released periodically. In about once every 20,000 years, this accumulated energy "explodes" and spreads throughout the Universe. Think of waves moving across the surface of a still lake, but these waves move in all directions, up, down, to the left and right and ahead and behind also, depending on the perspective. They are currently expanding from the center of the universe, outward. It is everywhere in the universe at the moment, just as waves across a lake or pool can cover most of the surface simultaneously.

As we have explained earlier, the speed of light is approximately 300,000 Km/s in the 3rd dimension. In other dimensions, it is near instantaneous. Thus, the energy from the Centre of the Universe spreads as wave throughout the Universe almost instantaneously every 20,000 years. It can be said to be pulsating periodically. It is not visible or detectable by your instruments as you still do not have the technology to detect energy in other dimensions.

As of the second half of 2016, the outer waves of this pulse of energy started reaching the solar system and the Earth.

The Physical Effect

As the energy reaches our solar system, it affects all the planets and the Sun. The solar magnetism starts pulsating with the waves of this energy, which in turn affects all other planets, including earth. The solar activity increases manifold. The pulsating solar magnetic field and the energy wave in turn affects the magnetic fields of the planets and the earth. Earth's core starts getting heated up with this energy. Its axis starts swinging back and forth affecting its nutation motion. 

As the core heats up and axis moves, earthquake and volcanic activities start increasing. Earth's magnetic field starts acting in a different manner. The magnetic Pole may start changing location. The sun starts ejecting coronal mass which increase the radiation on earth. This sets off a chain reaction which has been discussed elsewhere in this website and causes The Shift.

The Mental Effect

The wave of energy also affects the minds of humans and animals. This causes a change in consciousness and awareness. A shift away from violence, agitation, disturbance and other negative mental conditions start to occur. Even the animals which are otherwise violent start to become docile. As a result of the change in mental nature, an overall change in both animal and human kind takes place. People and animals incompatible with the changed dispensation gradually fade away. Positive forces of Love, integrity, honesty, cheerfulness, happiness etc. gradually start prevailing over Hate, corruption, fear and greed. True knowledge about the Self will become known. Communication with thought and messages from spirit entities who are not seen now will be frequent.

Humanity, under the circumstances have two options. Either to change themselves and be compatible with the new energy or to get destroyed. The later happened during Atlantis and humanity had to start from the scratch. This time around, things are different. In all probability, humans will successfully change this time along with the new energy without getting themselves destroyed. However, the process is not smooth or rather, as smooth as you want it to be. There will be challenges and resistance to the change. The more the resistance, the prolonged would be the duration of the transformation process. Fear is another factor which would create resistance. This is why people need to be communicated as to what is really happening and what is going to happen in the future as a result of the change. This will go on to allay the fears to a large extent and the new system will be adapted by humans more easily. Depending on human reactions, the whole process may take anything from 10 to 20 years or more. As you need to change the system, you need to adapt with the "new normal" rather than to oppose it, which will make the transition smoother. Many of the predictions given here need not occur if the humanity adapts and adjusts fast with the changing dispensation. Your colletive free will has more influnce on natural forces than what you consider now.

The Shift is a natural process which will happen anyway. The need of the hour is to adapt, adjust and reduce fear, which will make the transition process much easier for you.

Q1: What is the nature and approximate frequency range of the current photon wave? How many orders of magnitude above or below the visible light range of humans?
HS: The frequencies are approximately ten times as much as what Earth dwellers, residents and inhabitants can measure or detect, at the lower end or bottom of the scale and can be up to one hundred times the frequency. The nature is the same as electromagnetic photon energy anywhere in the universe, simply more intense and at higher frequencies undetectable by humans

Q2: Are the oscillations of a specific character. For example: random, pulsed, modulated (frequency domain or time domain)?
HS:  All of the above occur however the majority are within what you have described as a frequency domain for oscillation. The time function does not apply, since no time applies or exists as humans perceive it, related to photon energy waves.

Q3: Are there existing physical or other sensors on Earth, capable of detecting these photons of this wave, qualitatively and/or quantitatively?
HS: No, not beyond human and animals' souls.

Q4: Is this photon wave currently increasing in amplitude and effect and for how long a time period will it last?
HS: Yes, it is increasing in both spikes and peaks into higher vibrations or frequencies and the amount of them. The current waves will gradually rise along a trend line for another Earth 12 years then decline slowly for another dozen after that. Expect a return to steady energy pulsations as were in effect around the human year 1995, by year 2045 at the latest. The average and median frequencies will be higher than now or a quarter century ago, at that time in year 2045.

Q5: Travelling the distance of a billion light years, how many Earth years has it taken? In other words, at what speed do the photons travel in free space?
HS: Photons can cross the galaxy you inhabit, which is 100,000 light years in Earth time measurement units, in less than one second of human time. One billion in less than two and one half hours of Earth time.

Q6: Photons convert into light when colliding with physical matter? Are these photons sub-atomic particles or what?
HS:  They can however this is not required. Yes, all photons are sub-atomic.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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