Some Q&A on The Shift

1.    With Biden being installed as president, how will that impact the election for Harris in 2024?

Biden isn't going to make it until 2024, Harris will take over when Biden steps down.

2.    Will Biden be removed after 2 years so Harris can make an additional 2 terms or will they kick him out sooner?

If Biden makes it to 2 years, The Higher Sources is saying more likely at 12-18 months will he leave The White House.

3.    Earthquakes and volcanos are heating up which seems to mean the dim period is just around the corner. How long will it take for the average Joe to recognize that we have entered a serious geologic stage that isn't going to subside quickly?

Only once we're deep into it and the effects cannot be denied.

4.    With standard energy sources (natural gas, coal, propane, solar, wind etc.) unavailable, what will we use as a transitional source of energy until a new standard is available and affordable?

The sources will be available but limited and expensive, in varying degrees. The new electricity method can be developed very quickly, in other words months, but nobody will do it until we have to.

5.    How long will it take to reconfigure systems so that energy is available and affordable?

This depends on how one defines "reconfigure" and "affordable". Most systems now dealing with oil, diesel fuel, jet fuel and gasoline are going away permanently for the general public. Electricity distribution equipment (transmission lines, cables, wires and substations) can be re-done in a few months or less.

6.    Once the dim period begins, if it hasn't already, how long will it be before above ground crops are unavailable or difficult to grow?

Within the first year / season and the effects will remain for at least three and somewhat into a fourth growing season, depending on northern or southern hemisphere and the drop and region.

7.    Is it still anticipated that the dim period will last about 4 years?


8.    How close are we to things going plumb crazy (even though it seems that they already have, much continues as it has like increased housing costs and food availability)?

Housing costs will plummet. Food challenges are going to be worst where populations are high, such as China, India and other places. Not so much in the USA. Lots of fancy crap is going away, along with sugary stuff.

9.    Are we in for more weather like the cold we just had in Texas?

Not once the Dim Adventure gets going. It'll be just as warm in this part of Texas in the summer and warmer during the "winter" also.

10.    Is Texas still on track to secede in the next decade?

Yes indeed. Gov. Abbott just sent 500 Nat'l Guard troops to the Mexico border. That's an early indicator right there.

11.    Will the Texas grid be fixed so it's reliable if/when Texas does secede?

It's fixed now and always was. Too much "non-wind" generation was shut down. We have about 86 gigs of installed capacity (versus California with 80) and about 15 total is wind turbines. Peak demand was set in August '19 at 75. The height of the storm 3 weeks ago saw 66. We can do that easily BUT we have to be prepared to spend the money. The power companies with that money got blindsided. Failure to manage risk and plan for extremes, because the investors don't like anything but rosy news and happy bullshit. 

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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