Effects of The Shift ~ Part One

Effects of The Shift ~ Part One

14 March 2021

The Shift of the Earth towards a New Age has already started. We discuss what's coming; we humans can all & each decide personal reactions and prepare for it. We ask The Higher Sources to explore effects from changes now happening.

Q:        Esteemed Higher Sources, you have forecast and also confirmed other predictions of wandering magnetic poles, volcanic eruptions, storms and earthquakes. Because many bad effects come from these events, most people —including me— follow natural thinking to pursue positive, avoid the negative. Is this viable? Can we achieve this by asking y'all to warn us? Are we here special because we know?

HS:      Unique if not special, yes. Knowledge will supply peace where others lose more than you, other people who struggle to recover it. A sense of calm, of ease and of satisfaction cannot be purchased, sold or given as a gift. It is self-generated and derives from beliefs.

The information we have sought to provide throughout our channelings here, is intended to allow formulation of new belief or more favorable ones, to the personal betterment of all who might read these words.

Q:        Why would y'all do this? What about it benefits The Higher Sources?

HS:      The greatest gift to receive, is giving. We are entirely selfish; we want the best for ourselves. Giving you the same, is the way to have it. Earth operates this way exactly as it does in Heaven, because Earth is part of Heaven, occurring simply at a slower transmission or baud rate. A slower moving car is still a travelling vehicle.

Q:        Why don't or can't y'all give us dates and locations of events?

HS:      In some cases we cannot, in others we do not because this will distort your life plan and schedule in ways you believe are beneficial, but are the opposite. It is the human belief that positive is better; this is true yet vast and complicated questions revolve around what each person deems positive.

You all learn far more from negatives than otherwise, and derive enormous benefits. The majority of these benefits are seen far later in a human life than most humans prefer at the times a human traverses the challenges and relative negativity. For certain, without any doubt, all benefits will be realized in Heaven and remain permanently uplifting, for all of you.

Q:        Did we all incarnate with knowledge of what awaited now?

HS:      Yes.

Q:        Let's unpack the volcanic ash effects once again. What shall occur?

HS:      Earth's natural surface heat arrives from within, modified by surface temperatures temporarily. Where air remains cold, so does the ground but only down to a shallow depth.

Below this point, the temperature is the same anywhere on Earth, as drilling for crude oil extraction has revealed. Sunlight reaching the surface and air heats both, this heat dissipates when the sunlight disappears.

The idea that increases in carbon dioxide are heating Earth's atmosphere is untrue. As CO2 levels increase, heat, evaporation, precipitation, plant growth and oxygen production all increase because of it. The natural equilibrium between the two gases was reached long ago, well before animal life was introduced as it currently exists or has evolved.

When sunlight is temporarily blocked across a region, across a portion of Earth's surface, sunlight reaching the air and surface is lowered, so naturally the air is cooler. Denser air closer to the surface catches more light photons and energy, and is thus warmer. The effect from reducing light is obvious.

What is not foreseen is the layer of suspended ash large enough to cover nearly or all of Earth's surface. The ash layer to be formed will spread over the entire globe before it reaches terminal density. This means it will grow thicker after it has spread, a second coat of paint if you will.

Volcanic ash is powdered stone. The lighter particles will to a degree, bind to frozen H2O and the effect will block two things; sunlight and overnight heat dissipation. If the ash only covers a region, which is what humans since Atlantis have so far observed, that region will be cooler until the ash moves on. At some point the ash cannot move on, because it will have moved everywhere it can. The heavier particles will have fallen from the atmosphere already, and the smaller particles will drop out much more slowly.

Some light will be reflected back out of Earth's atmosphere, causing daytime temperatures below what would otherwise be. This is already understood, but the quantities to accumulate will also trap heat from rising. Warmer air will remain high up near the bottom of the ash layer, but will move laterally until it can no longer. The atmosphere will gradually and steadily warm, as this heat descends. The heat will migrate to the colder regions of Earth's atmosphere, where the greatest warming effects will be felt. A new equilibrium of temperatures will take hold.

Q:        Erratic and sometimes extreme weather events have occurred over the most recent years, popularly attributed to human activity and carbon dioxide production. Will these temperature increases receive the same explanation?

HS:      Yes, initially however the ash and resulting lower surface sunlight will be unmistakable.

Q:        Will the erratic weather events continue as average global temperatures increase? HS:     Yes, however the pattern will be slightly different. Typhoons, hurricanes and tropical cyclones form out of thunderstorm activity. This is rising humid air, fueled by warm surface temperatures. The surface temperatures of the sea will be lower because less sunlight reaches

them. Even though average temperatures will rise, the areas and regions where tropical cyclones develop will see lower, not higher ocean surface temperatures. The reduced temperature differences between warmer air below and cooler above, will slow the pace off rise, and lessen thunderstorm formation and intensity. This will reduce the frequency and intensity of such storms, during the Dim Period.

Q:        What about tornadoes and thunderstorms over land, or waterspouts where thunderstorms occur over water?

HS:      Likewise these will be less frequent, for two reasons: one because they occur as the result of surface temperatures, a direct result of sunlight intensity reaching the ground. The second reason is, these often occur along the edges of air masses, where cooler and denser air moves towards warmer, more humid air. The warmer air rides up above the approaching cooler mass, and the uplifting effect is what adds to the effect.

Less temperature differences mean less interfaces and disturbance along them. Thunderstorms will still occur, but less average intensity and frequency. Which storm creates a rotating funnel cloud that reaches the surface and does damage, is also linked to the storm's intensity, which will be reduced.

Q:        The reduced sunlight will affect vegetation?

HS:      Significantly. Trees will go dormant, others will perish, many crops planted for food will produce lower output yet others will thrive.

Q:        Will air travel be affected?

HS:      By the atmospheric ash, not much and only where it is rising. The accumulated layer will be above the altitudes jet aircraft normally use.

Q:        Y'all have said before that 3 to 4 years will be the duration, and then ash will dissipate, sunlight will return to normal.

HS:      The dissipation is continuous, the build-up fed by more delivery of new ash than falls out of the sky.

Q:        When are these effects going to be noticed?

HS:      After many volcanoes have delivered ash over some time. Before this, the effects will not be foreseen.

Q:        Okay, so what do we humans do about this?

HS:      You accept it, which is the only thing you can. No human desire, collective will or mass prayer will reverse this phase of Earth's development. The objective here is to emphasize acceptance, because other things will also require acceptance, something which will not come so easily to many of your fellow incarnated humans.

Q:        Are we going to be told the end of the world has come?

HS:      Yes, but these complaints and forecasts will cease to resonate as time passes and Earth continues to exist, to thrive and to progress, as will humans and animals albeit under new, and in a few places, challenging changes and circumstances.

Q:        Will there be accusations of blame, of God's wrath and statements about retribution and bad karma which have come to punish humanity for our misdeeds and sins?

HS:      Just as there have always been, yes.

Q:        Will attempts at scientific explanations be made?

HS:      Yes, however these will fall almost immediately flat. Humans do not control seismic activity, the Earth's crust and much less, volcanoes.

Q:        After ash dissipates, will temperature cycles return to normal, expected patterns?

HS:      Yes, but the return will begin as soon as accumulated ash levels drop. No after period need be awaited; in direct proportion to sunlight blockage or removal will surface heating de– or increase.

Q:        Will the sky look any different on a cloudy day?

HS:      No.

Q:        On a sunny day?

HS:      No. The example we suggest is the effect of a solar eclipse. The center shadow is obviously dark, but the edges allow sunlight and it looks similar, if less intense. The effect and feeling on human skin will be felt. Sunburns will require proportionally longer, for example.

Q:        How much overall net reduction is surface light will occur?

HS:      The reduction will be just over one third.

Q:        Many crops will fail?

HS:      Yes, many food crops cannot grow well, and other almost not at all, with only two thirds the sunlight they typically receive.

Q:        Dormant trees were mentioned; will they simply drop leaves, go to sleep and reawaken when sunlight intensity returns?

HS:      Yes. Others will die, trees and plants of many varieties.

Q:        Will any plants or animals go extinct?

HS:      Yes.

Q:        What lessons will mankind learn in general from the dim period of reduced sunlight and effects?

HS:      Appreciation and gratitude are the two most prominent things. Adaptation will be high on the list; humility will also come in good measure to many people who need it most.

Q:        The other effects will follow, precede or occur along with the volcano & ash phase of The Shift?

HS:      Along with.

Q:         I think we should move on now to wandering magnetic poles.

HS:      Very well, we await your questions.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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