Prediction about the Future of some Western Nations

Not the Middle East, Africa or the Far East. I’m fairly certain Australia and New Zealand are “West” despite being across an ocean (and sea) to the east of India near Indonesia. What’s in store for Europe and/or the Americas north, central & south? For Europa?  

Q: Esteemed HS, many readers here might not be from regions the post title announces we intend to cover. How will what I ask and you answer, apply?

HS: The world is one, just as all of you compose God. Such readers can ask us also. Most important is to remember, we speak about what happens to Planet Earth. Each region gets its piece of galaxy pie.  

Q: What’s going on with the European Union?  

HS: France has grown disappointed with Macron; his supporters and handlers-behind-the-scenes have inserted a competitor against Marine LePen; her campaign slogan almost need not be said; “I told you!” Sensing the inevitability of Monsieur Macron’s defeat, the attempt is being made to prevent LePen from winning and having influence over whomever replaces him. Her opponent from the same side would be far more compliant to the controlling interests.   

Q: Joe Biden seems to be slipping like a nearly broken transmission. He’s going to resign; it’s obvious. Harris will take over. Will the US Congress block her selection for replacement vice president?  

HS: If Democrat interests and their owners, who are the installers of Biden and Harris, wait until after the 2022 elections, this is extremely likely. Democrat lawmakers and appointees have been aggressive, arrogant and dismissive; when they lose power and control of the US Congress, they will not be given what they never give themselves, which is compromise and consideration. If Biden steps down soon, during year 2021, this will allow Democrat operatives sufficient time before loss of legislative control becomes absolute. If Biden is replaced by Harris in 2023, her successor will face nearly unsurmountable opposition. None of this will have much meaning.   

Q: Donald Trump has all but announced he is running for US President once again. How will this change things? 

HS: Mr. Trump will suck all the political oxygen out of the room, wherever he goes as a candidate, once declared. The effect has already been seen; it will be repeated.  

Q: Is Trump going to be elected again?  

HS: Yes.     

Q: Australia seems to have turned into a Gestapo state; law enforcement behaves like the SS. When will this come to an end? 

HS: When enough Australians see how their safety is not the goal but the excuse.   

Q: Is Venezuela going to see improvement? 

HS: Slowly once the current regime collapses and is exiled or just removed.  

Q: Is Latin America going to see improved economic conditions once the pandemic-panic subsides?  

HS: No. This is not to say economic prospects will not be better but if this route is chosen, it will not be pandemic related, relief or rejection.   

Q: Israel, not The West obviously but worth the question, has very high covid19 vaccination rates but also reports a lot of infections. This suggests the vaccine is not effective. 

HS: It is not as preventive as believed.  The human immune system, and of many animals, is  configured to operate on a stimulation basis. Human DNA for it arranges the operation to detect, neutralize then prevent future infections of similar microbes. The human immune system is not designed to be re-engineered from the back end; it works when stimulated from in front. This is the reason this vaccine is proving ineffective for many recipients.   

Q: There is a lot of talk about bad side effects coming. What effects and how bad? How many people? 

HS: The negative side effects have already been happening, the challenge which can never be fully overcome, is making a solid identification of the link between the mRNA and the negative effect or condition it creates.     

Q: Are the vaccine manufacturers already or promising to kick back a portion of their profits to the elected officials who insist on people becoming vaccinated? 

HS: Of course.  

Q: When will the pandemic restrictions end? 

HS: When mankind chooses to end them.   

Q: When will the volcanic ash begin to build up to such point that it will be noticed and reported in the press? 

HS: We cannot say what the human press shall do, but we will say volcanic ash output from volcanoes and atmospheric accumulation will become material, in the latter half of year 2022.   

Q: The Dim Period will be from year 2023 going forward? 

HS: Yes.  

Q: What happens to an individual European country is obviously of high interest to a citizen of one, but the EU is going to see what things develop across the organization and member nations in general? 

HS: Economic strain, caused by pandemic restrictions, can only be papered over so far with money printing. The USA is engaging in this practice to a high degree at the moment. When economic downturns become swift and sharp in Europe, in about twelve to eighteen months from now, the EU will begin to crack. Switzerland will say, you all see now why we never joined the regional conference, never gave away control of our money or of our defence?  

Q: For how much longer will Putin remain in power? 

HS: He will be elected to one more term after the current one. His successor will be chosen by him to a great extent, but this will not be revealed. Putin is unique in that he is roughly halfway interested in true development and prosperity for Russia, not just a perpetuation of his position, authority and intoxicated continuation of power. He does not take the economic situation of Russia for granted or as a given, to be shaped to his benefit and for the people calling the shots.  

Q: Are the USA’s leaders doing this? 

HS: We often do not laugh but now we are.     

Q: Pretty much everywhere? 

HS: The exceptions are few, even rare. Poor country or wealthy, the leadership almost always assumes things will be as they are, that improvement is too difficult, too long term and too murky to deserve a sustained effort. Humans have correctly identified sustained leadership as a potential problem, and wish to avoid the king-like syndrome to which all such leaders are exposed. The problem with this is, the course to be followed to achieve sustained wealth extends beyond the political terms of the people with good authority to enact, oversee and follow-through. This itself would not be a problem, if the governments would simply stay out of economic policy. You all are your governments and you all like to interfere in each others’ economic affairs.   

Q: Is Trudeau going to last in Canada? 

HS: No, Canada will also turn away from him and his policies.   

Q: The battles over press bias, favorable treatment to the point of political advocacy and abandonment of journalistic principles, will continue? 

HS: Yes, and this is positive. The battle means exchange of information volleys; this is what the press should be.   

Q: We do it here on this website, also. 

HS: Equally good it is, also.   

Q: When will the global warming fad fade? 

HS: When other events cause many global warmists to become sufficiently distracted; the topic will become forgotten.   

Q: When will humans finally get over the thrills & entertainment view we so widely hold of Visitors to Earth? 

HS: When it becomes more common knowledge; the idea some great thrill is not coming will wear down the excitement. This will develop when the thrill leads to nothing changing. The idea an invasion will occur, that mankind will become compromised or taken over in some way, will largely disappear. It will become obvious that a takeover is well inside the power of the visitors, and that it has not happened means it will not.     

Q: What’s going to happen to “The West” that does not happen to the rest of the world? 

HS: Nothing.   

Q: I should have entitled this post, the future of the world. 

HS: Yes, with no change.   

Q: Given how things are changing and will continue to, what advice do you have for us, the people reading these words? 

HS: If you are reading them [these words], you were led here by your own choice and request, then assisted by the many guides and humans involved. It could seem random that you ever reached words from us through our helpful human, or seem a coincidence that you are reading this for the first or second time possibly. This randomness is intended; it is no coincidence.  Our first advice is to know that many things which seem coincidental are the opposite. Look for the purpose and meaning which do not immediately appear in people you meet, encounter or in situations which unfold for you.   Our second advice is to understand there exists a purpose for events about which you hear, even if the event does not reach you personally. Few shall; understand there exists a purpose for you to even know. From time to time you will participate in an event others will observe; this also has a great purpose. Acknowledge that a purpose exists and then, usually only then, will the purpose become clear. 

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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