The Elementals: The Magma Energy

The Magma Energy 

We wish you to know that we probably exist at the deepest and most distant level from your own vibration.  We come to you from the molten layer within the Earth. 

You have already met the core of the Earth and you have also met both the lower levels and the upper levels.  We are the molten level; we are the magma, the flux, the ebb and flow.  You have already heard that we are influenced by the moon and this is indeed true.  We are the essence within the Earth which forms the vital link with the moon’s spiritual aspect.

We are a subterranean power-house for a very rarefied power.  We offer an extremely subtle level of energy.  We ebb and we flow with the cycles of the moon – that is our very heart beat.  It is self evident that our subtle power is also in tune with the lunar cycle, but you might be misled into believing that the energy which you experience at certain stages of the lunar cycle comes directly from the moon – mostly that is not so.  Most of your response is to our energy.  We supply the infinitely subtle pulse of the lifeforce.

When we say “lifeforce”, we must qualify this, because we are not a generator as such.  We are the regulator, the circadian clock; we are the rhythm and the cycle. We are, of course, not the same as the Deva of time, but we provide the heartbeat of the living world.  Although we give the living world its spiritual heartbeat, this is not on a physical level: our effect is felt on the subtle, spiritual, level. 

The consequences of this can be felt within the mineral kingdom.  The mineral kingdom has cycles of greater sensitivity, of greater activity, of greater power, and these are honed and tuned by our energy.

Similarly, the plant kingdom also evolves in cycles that are controlled by lunar energy.  The sun provides the direct force for growth, but we, the lunar cycle, control the rate of that development.  It is no use having bursts of development without the addition of the spiritual aspect.  It is for this reason, of course, that artificially forced vegetables may be physically nutritious but spiritually empty. Bear that in mind.

On the level of the animal kingdom, the response is even more direct.  Animals have a very pronounced lunar cycle.  Their activity and rest cycles, their growth and consolidation cycles, are all intimately linked with the lunar cycle.  This is the importance of the magic number thirteen - the number of lunar cycles in the year.

We offer this at a very important stage of evolution.  You can attune to this power by conscious application. You can feel it, but you can also be a channel for it. You can benefit from it yourselves, but you can also offer it to the rest of mankind.  You can offer it to others who may be cut off from this power.  The way to do this is by simply offering yourselves as a channel – the rest will be taken care of.  You do not have to be physically or consciously involved; simply hand yourselves over as a vehicle and the power will flood through you, to the rest of mankind.

It is the spiritual evolution of man which is at stake.  Remember that you are going through a cyclical change.  Remember, also, that mankind has been through these cyclical changes before, you have been through the same stage in the cycle and it is important for mankind to recognise this opportunity.  Coming to the same stage as before, he now has the opportunity either to repeat the same mistakes, or to avoid them and progress (and go on to make different mistakes, but that is progress). 

So, simply by becoming aware of our lunar energy as we dissipate it upwards and outwards through the Earth, you are offering yourself as a channel for this energy. This is the ultimate make-or-break.  If mankind chooses to become aware of our energies, he has the opportunity to progress up one level of the cycle.  If he chooses to ignore them he will be held on the same cycle to repeat it again.  You, my friends, can be the instrument or trigger to enable mankind to step up one level of the spiral.

We thank you.  We thank you also for what you will do in the future.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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