Predictions about the future of some Eastern Nations

1. What's going to happen in China? Will the Communist Party continue to run the country? What will happen to the Chinese Economy and its dominance in trade?

HS: Yes, the current regime and philosophy will remain for the duration of The Shift and beyond. As trade is curtailed and nearly halted, the Chinese economy will shrink, through a series of implosions, the loss of fictitious paper wealth. The term duration of the shift will once again evoke questions about time frames and occurrence of events within, we understand this. Human nature has become that which seeks to control the human environment, and to a great extent human achievements have resulted from this approach. Not everything is either caused by or can be controlled to any degree through human behavior. You will agree volcanic eruptions fit this assessment. The Shift is another process the ride through which you only take, but do not make. Rejoice, for you have signed up for it. The duration will be seen as complete, when seen. At this point will the coming economic and social changes have evolved in China.

2. Will Tibet and Hong Kong be free from China?

HS: Yes, but not completely; there will remain links and connections on paper. In practice, the rulers of China will have nearly zero influence or effect on these areas.

3. What's going to happen in India in the coming years of Shift?

HS: A book to write, this question requests, and several tomes you do not want. Maybe some Indians and other interested parties might want such books, such volumes no channeled entity such as ourselves would ever provide. Half because the human decisions have not been made, and upcoming unalterable events, are. Their benefit lost would be, if such were pre-informed. We shall say thus: the vastly diverse nature of Indian societies, as evidenced by just the smorgasbord of languages but many other social practices and customs also, combined with India’s inherent democratic mindset, will take the events in another direction vastly different from relatively monolithic China, by comparison. Consider India under British rule and domination but without the colonial boot upon the nation’s neck, and you shall see a general picture of what India will manifest.

4. For how long will P.M. Narendra Modi and his party remain in power?

HS: Such a sin of revelation we would not commit, if we even could. We cannot however, the people will decide. We shall just say, the probabilities are that the Prime Minister has already reached then surpassed the halfway point of his total term in office.

5. What will happen to the economy of India and of the Insurance sector and Banks in the coming years?

HS: These segments, pieces or bits of the economy will follow general trends and changes. India being the size it is, will be proportionally affected by changes to world trade and commerce as occur globally.

6. What will happen to the regimes in Iran and Saudi Arabia in the coming years?

HS: The Persian people will experience increasing stress within the nation, brought about by economic sanctions, pursuit of weaponry and general defiance to resistance against manufactured enemies. The fundamentalist religious leadership would ease much of this by taking a cooperative position, however in not so many years, the decline of crude oil production worldwide will render this perspective moot.

Saudi Arabia will, unlike Iran, see a relatively swift return to societies which flourished there before and during the very early stages of crude oil production and export. Not everybody there forgets the ways life was lived across the Arabian peninsula, and so a relative return will come without extreme difficulty.

7. What will happen in Japan and Taiwan, including their economy in the coming years.

HS: Japan relies heavily on imported energy, thus its decline will bring about changes anyone knowledgeable would expect. Sharp downturns in global commerce will affect Taiwan precisely as would be expected. The societies will remain relatively intact and the nations sovereign.

8. Many countries in Asia have a high population. Will the population decrease significantly due to natural disasters during The Shift?

HS: Yes.

9. Will the permafrost in Tibet, Himalayan Regions and Siberia melt completely when the temperature rises?

HS: Not completely, we say now by approximately half. Areas of Nepal, Tibet, Pakistan and India which rely upon glacier melt for water will have unpleasant decreases and predictable effects. Siberia is so relatively unpopulated that social effects will be very small across Russia; migration away from these regions will be simple, as the warmer climates and vast size of Russia will easily allow food production to absorb the movement of small numbers of the population, even as food production is changed by Shift events.

10. Will the islands of Maldives submerge completely in the sea?

HS:  No. Some lands will remain dry however the populations will largely depart.

11. Will Kashmir get freedom from India and Pakistan?

HS:  No. As changes manifest, Kashmir will back away from the desire for independence. Doing so will bring about no material improvements, this will become obvious and the population will focus on its well being, not political affiliation with the two nations mentioned.

12. Will the climate permanently change in parts of Asia? Where and what kind of change?

HS: No, Earth’s climate will recover to an equilibrium and cyclical pattern once the forces which bring about changes, abate. Glaciers will reform much more slowly than a lake will re-fill, trees will bloom again and grow once more in a way now seen as common much more quickly. Given that most populations do not live on or near glaciers, this will not mean much if anything.

13. When will be the peak effects of the Dim period be observed?

HS: This question asks for the duration of The Shift and the effects from physical events, along a human calendar schedule. As we have often prognosticated in this space, The Shift will last for approximately three decades, Earth has already traversed a half decade and possibly one full decade, depending on the view of events. This cannot be calendar marked, because the end has not been reached and is both not and cannot be, known. Consider a wooden board, the end of which disappears into smoke; how long is it? Mankind will not be able to walk forward with a hand on the wood, blinded by thick smoke, in order to take a measurement then return to perform a calculation. Patience and time will tell.

14. Will Bangladesh submerge to discernible amount & if so by how much of current landmass?

HS: Yes, approximately forty percent of the land will go underwater, but not all at once. This means about sixty percent will not be flooded, the remaining forty percent in steps and stages, twenty percent here, then ten percent but over there, not part of the previous twenty percent and so forth, totaling a forty percent affected until sea levels stop shifting. The tides and the Moon’s gravity will play a role in this process for the area called Bangladesh.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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