A lot of fear, and a lot of information being presented, to the point it's difficult to know what to believe. I had a couple questions.

Q1: Is the C-O-VEED-19 Va*k-sine already killing people?

HS: Yes, this has been happening from the beginning of its use, as happens with all Va*k-sines. As we have said, the deaths will continue and the rates will increase steadily over the next few years, much more frequent will be the side effects, some long lasting. As to a percentage of recipients, we are not able to say. We know, but will refrain. Do not assume that is a bad forecast; you and we never die, humans just trade in the body.

2. Are the deaths attributed to the delta variant actually being caused by the Va*k-sine?

HS: Yes, many. The human immune system is not designed to be engineered from the back end. It works by responding and adapting, creating a future use blueprint for subsequent invasions of similar microbial intruders. Accurate genetic modification of the human body is not within human capability. Side effects occur with the experiments now being attempted. Genetic modification is not a good idea for any living being, on Earth or on other planets. Removal and attempted replacement of load bearing members of a building are not a good idea, for the effect of improving ventilation systems. Since humans cannot rebuild the entire body, the immune system should be improved through health and diet measures, already well known.

3. By mass va*k-sine-a-ting the population, is that causing the C-O-VEED-19 vir*us to mutate more quickly and become more deadly than it otherwise would be without large scale vaccination of the populace?

HS: Yes. Just as all viruses mutate in response to anti-bodies and counterattacks, this virus is developing a way to escape the effects of Va*k-sine induced anti-bodies. The problem is, the Va*k-sine creates anti-bodies with no target present; the anti-bodies search for and neutralize the target at which they are dispatched. If none are found, they quickly, in the space of two or three days in some cases, accumulate in areas of the human body where either the anti-bodies find a suitable target or the genetic modification creates one. When a virus encounters many foes aimed at it specifically, it sets aside its primary mission —attach to a host cell and replicate itself— and invokes its program to change form into something which resists the anti-body it has encountered, then it replicates the new form. The immune system must then start its natural process to knock down the new form.

This is what has caused the female reproductive system problems, or cardiovascular problems such as clots and myocarditis. The cardiovascular system is the transport system for all things in a human body. The antibodies are accumulating instead of enveloping a cell the virus took over. To whom it happens depends on the general state of their body and the many factors which influence immune response and general health.

Upon attack from Va*k-sine induced anti-bodies, the viruses attempt to adapt. The changed ones are expelled through respiration, then enter the metabolism of a va*k-sine-ated person, whose immune response does not recognize them better or faster than any other new, unknown intruder.

Absent the Va*k-sine, the mutations would occur much more slowly.

4. The government is moving toward vak*-*sinating children. Will children between 5 and 11 years old experience similar negative side effects from the C-O-VEED-19 Vak-sine as adults?

HS: Yes, but the immune system response is very efficient and effective in many, many children. Much faster and better results occur with children, because their diet and overall health has not yet affected their immune response. The hormones which control growth, present until the ages of twenty and more in most humans, are the key factor in reducing the ability of the virus to make headway in children, youngsters, teenagers and young adults. You have noticed that small babies are essentially unaffected; doubling of body weight is normal in the first year of life for the human body. This massive growth rate in muscle tissue and bone mass is the reason. Not every child is the same, and the very few cases where a child develops symptoms are being used as incorrect examples. The rates of death and severe symptoms in children are extremely low, where symptoms are even present.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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