Russia-Ukraine War: Beyond the propaganda

Q: I am getting confused by all the anti-Russian propaganda in Western mainstream media. They would have us believe Putin is on the verge of death from disease and that the Ukrainian army are about to capture Moscow.

So What is current state of the war? Who is winning? What is the point of the propaganda? It appears fake but what is the truth?

Thank you for your insights in these troubled times.

HS: Times on Earth among humans are always troubled. It simply depends upon whose timepieces; calendars & locations are observed. Your reaction to the news offered about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is designed to provoke the reaction you have written. You are supposed to be annoyed, disgusted, ticked off or even angry. All of these reactions feed the objective of the creators of this war.

Russia is prevailing and will seize control of Ukraine. This could happen quickly with great destruction, leaving Russia with a damaged prize or it can be done slowly, allowing Russia to seize something more valuable.

Allow us an example, to illustrate our point. Assume half the population of Ukraine were to perish or permanently flee the nation. This would reduce both demand for goods & services and also labour available to produce, by at least half, likely more. Economies of scale would factor into “more”. Such reduction in the size of the economy would represent a significantly less valuable acquisition for Russia. Add traumatic effects on survivors of widespread slaughter, which would effectively ruin the prize, undermining almost completely efforts made to seize control.  

The cheerleading in favour of Ukraine is designed to reinforce sensations of victimhood and oppression where such news is offered. These sentiments, feelings & reactions are being used to continue manipulation of the citizenry of many nations and regions. Big bad Russia versus the noble, well intended victims.

The Russians are moving pragmatically, with specific purpose and objective. Russia is reincorporating Ukraine into the Russian nation, be it called an empire, federation or union. The combination will enhance economic thus political power the combined efforts of separate nations could never achieve. The powerful, the controllers and the rulers of both nations will gain the most once this is concluded. The efforts made to condemn Russia are political posturing for the benefit of the posturers. The sanctions imposed are but a small piece of the conflict, a minor portion of the price paid for the extremely valuable asset, as Russia sees it.

Vladimir Putin knows well there is no Louisiana Purchase to be made for Russia. It is already one of the largest land area nations on your planet. Russia needs people to populate and produce, still others to acquire its products. Ukraine is the prize.

This was a foregone conclusion and a life plan event for many tens of millions of Ukraine and Russia citizens. Humans who live where tyrannical war prone nations are not a threat, are easily lulled into a sense of benevolence humans do not yet widely share. Might still makes right on Earth among many humans, until humans choose other paths and positions, overall.

N.B. There were other Q&A on this war from The Higher Sources. 


The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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