The Illusion of Time: Why the timing of Shift events can't be accurately predicted

How often has it been mentioned here that time is an illusion? Time means a sequence of events attached to the human time map called a calendar. It is no illusion to miss appointments, be late or show up on days things are closed. So why can't we readers here get an unambiguous prediction for the range of dates or at least the year big things will happen? The simple answer is, because the forces and energy which shall bring about the events in question, are not part of the Earth surface time illusion.     

The Higher Sources explain.

“The forces which now reverberate through your part of the universe are in constant motion, constant flow and ever present flux. We suggest the oceans of Earth’s surface; currents within never stop.

The pulsations of energy across the universe you inhabit, one of nine universes in total, move constantly and consistently. As the waves pass through a region, effects are created and felt by all things alive & aware of physical and mental feelings.

We suggest you look at your planet from the view of a traveler approaching your sun or solar system. As you know, the planets revolve about the central star on a plane, with the exception of one, recent debate over its unique orbit giving rise to doubt about Pluto’s provenance and pertinence to the other eight planets humans have named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.

You are approaching the outermost planet you call Pluto; you determine its distance from the central star to be 100. The next planet Neptune is 75 units from the central star you call the Sun, Uranus is 50, Saturn 25, Jupiter 12½, the Asteroid Belt from 6 to 8, Mars 4, Earth 2½, Venus almost 2 and Mercury just more than 1.

You are running from one end of a rugby pitch to the other, one hundred meters. Your pace is constant; does this allow you to calculate when you might have traversed ¾ the distance to reach Saturn? 98% of the distance to reach the orbit of Venus? Likely yes, on Earth where time matters.

You are not traveling from the edge of the planet group however, as you approach the Sun; you are approaching from far beyond your galaxy, whose diameter is 80,000,000 times as large as just your solar system. The closest galaxy to yours is 25,000 times the Milky Way’s diameter away. The means Andromeda is 2 trillion times as distant, as is Pluto is from the Sun. More galaxies are in your universe than individual stars which compose just your own. The distances are as great or greater between most of them, as is the distance between Andromeda and The Milky Way.

As the waves of energy propagate, the effects and pace vary. The reflections of energy from the objects encountered are the cause. How the billions of galaxies and billions of stars within each one respond, reverberate and reflect back. These reverberations matters a great deal.

Allow us to return to your solar system; the energy waves reach your planet and your central star; this star pulsates differently as the energy envelops it. The energy all stars and your sun develop and returns to space, reaches the planets.

Your Earth catches your Sun’s magnetism and much other energy. Your Earth’s core is the center of the magnet upon which you live as humans; it mixes with the magnetism the sun sends. The core is affected and agitated.

The waves are now reaching and washing over Earth; the changes to Earth’s energy and the energy reaching all of you are causing many effects. It is somewhat sad for us to observe the Few among you lie to the majority about the erratic weather events which are resulting from the magnetic effects reaching your planet, but we also now that great learning and benefits derive from this also.

The desire to know when greater effects, especially volcanic eruptions and accumulated high altitude ash produced by them, is natural. Allow us to explain why the occurrence of these events cannot be placed upon your human calendars the way humans schedule meetings, or ranges of time, ranges of dates across segments humans prefer; weeks, months, half years or even annums.

Consider a tsunami wave traversing Earth’s oceans, keeping pace with a commercial jet airliner. It will slow to a much less rapid pace as the edge of the ocean is reached, as the water becomes shallower. The waves can attain velocities of hundreds and hundreds of kilometers per hour, yet slow to fifty as the shoreline might be visible to an observer riding the crest of such a wave.

When will the wave reach the shoreline?

Extend this out across the expanse between galaxies, and refer again to the distances above. As the waves of energy cross through The Milky Way, a quick visit by comparison to the open expanse between galaxies, where will Earth be located? On the left side or the right side of the sun? This alone will mean a difference of six months. More important, during which lap? This will cause a variation of one or several years.

We cannot know where the solar system will be as each wave washes over Earth. The first waves of this phenomena are already washing over Earth now and shall continue.

What matters not is when these shall cause effects we have many a time described; what matters and only, is how you choose to react. Knowledge of the events provides you with understanding thus choice.

We wish to inform, as many humans who wish to know, humans who visit these pages and other places. Because you are aware of the types and the likely patterns of events and effects, you will serve as a model, symbol and in many cases as a leader of others. This will bring comfort to people around you, and in turn will make you feel more stable, comfortable and secure than you yourself otherwise might.

The emphasis, insistence and desire for a calendar approximation is a good one but a bad one. What you humans control within your own activity does not extend to activity you do not control, comforting as that could feel.
Some of you have discovered information and ideas here that you have not encountered elsewhere. Some of you are skeptical, doubtful or dismissive. This is a very comforting reaction of dismissal, which on the surface avoids fear.

You have nothing to fear. No sampling of opinions, surveys of information and mixed, distilled and processed averages taken from them will do any good for the benefit humans will derive from the experience of upcoming events.

You do not need a belief in what we offer. Any and all of you should even discard what we say and lament the inaccuracy of what we offer, when it has not been one hundred percent or even to the accuracy percentage you prefer. Doing so means you shall remember the inaccuracy of the predictions you wanted or liked, so that when things we have described come to pass, you will understand thus embrace what is happening.

Consider a jet travelling four thousand kilometers, seven hundred each hour thus six hours might be required to cover the distance.

Compare the gap from Andromeda to your solar system. If the jet above increases its speed by only three to five kilometers per Earth hour it travels, it will cross a distance of four thousand eighteen to four thousand thirty over the same time interval.

Across tens of millions of light years, a variance of similar proportion could mean years on Earth to humans using the calendar.

The arrival of the upcoming waves of energy, which are approaching your galaxy, some also inside your galaxy now, will be part of the variance. When the effects these energy waves cause have manifested, you who read these words will know and be comforted.

Be well, one and all and do return soon, as shall we.”

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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