Election fraud in the USA

Q: We’re going to have a regime change in USA “golpe de estado” style, as they say in Spain? 

HS: You already did, with the removal of Donald Trump and installation of Joe Biden the puppet.

Q: What about the upcoming USA presidential election of 2024?

HS: The USA no longer has bona fide national elections. This has needed to be achieved steadily and behind the scenes.

Q: The several hundred idiots who charged into the US Capitol Building on the 6th of January 2021, that looked like a coup attempt, the most lame and stupid I could ever imagine, but…

HS: The events seen that day were planned then set in motion by the same forces complaining about it. It was the final event in a series of planned occurrences designed to discredit the leader removed. To distract you, in other words.

Q: Starting with the coronavirus release, ending with January 6th?

HS: Yes.

Q: How the heck did the mini-riot occur?

HS: Several operatives were sent to infiltrate the organizations, others deployed to the scene, with the purpose of encouraging further action. In a large group voluntarily gathered it is easy to bring together the few fringe actors. Less than one tenth of one percent are more than the required number to provide video and photographic evidence.

Video was carefully selected to show what was desired, the remainder suppressed.

Q: Efforts to discredit President Trump, during and since his years in office, suggest he is feared still.

HS: Outside the USA also.

Q: What is being done behind the scenes now, besides the obvious public attempts to discredit him?

HS: The manipulation of vote counting is being designed again, both adjustments to what was done in year twenty twenty and new techniques and methods. The engineers of this process understand the efforts made to discredit Trump will ensure once again a small difference in legitimate national vote totals of less than five percent.

The miseducation of large swaths of the American public during the past three decades has been effective in denying and preventing enough voters from properly understanding the USA’s presidential election system, mixed with fragile personal pride. The indoctrinated reaction of feeling insulted or disrespected lifts its head quickly when such indoctrinates encounter evidence of their ignorance.

Q: What are the new techniques and methods?

HS: Where paper ballots are used, machines read and count them. This is established, technology used to program and operate computers accurately decades ago. The machine itself is easy to manipulate; the mechanical devices counting paper ballots and reading the holes or marks upon them, trigger an electronic recording of the ballot. This is the same as is done with currency cash counting machines, which unlike a voting machine, are extremely risky to corrupt.

The cash will be packaged or wrapped in many cases then transported to an eventual location unknown at the time of counting and bundling. It shall be counted again by equipment a manipulator cannot control because the eventual destination, and people or cash counting devices used, cannot be known. Errors or theft would be quickly discovered.

The counted ballots, unlike money, will not ever be sent to an uncontrolled destination. If counted again by machine, the same or a similar machine which has also been manipulated, will be used.

The computer application which receives the signals generated by the physical switches counting ballots and marks, can be easily altered. The creation of a registry or log is far simpler than even the typing and file creation program being used for writing this posting. The simplicity of the counting process makes it easy to create multiple counts, make modifications to the second, third and fourth counts then replace the primary count with the manipulated one, and erase what is not required.

Q: Isn’t there going to be evidence of this on the machine itself?

HS: Yes, so the process is done off location.

Q: How?

HS: The device is connected to the publicly available network known as the internet. This is a distraction. The files which shall be changed are broadcast locally by the voting machines, manipulated then included in new copies of the software, which are re-installed on the machines in place of and erasing the existing software and files.

Existing software is programmed to detect and record changes and attempts after it has been installed, encrypted and locked. It does not and cannot search for changes made before these steps are taken. It is simple to re-code files with dates and times prior to, thus unrecognized by, the software as corrupted.

Q: Is this why the vote counting often goes on late into the night, delays attributed to many causes?

HS: Yes, manipulators are counting true votes and comparing them to what shall be needed, adjusting the vote totals to appear both legitimate and in support of the pre-arranged outcome.

Q: This sounds like a massively difficult operation.

HS: Not at all, this is done at the level of state totals, election officials from local to county or parish level up to statewide counts, are not aware of what is being done under their electronic noses.

Q: A record of the manipulation, if not permitted to reach or remain on the voting computers, must exist somewhere. Where does that work happen?

HS: On a satellite orbiting Earth.

Q: Holy shit…. military? Civilian?

HS: Both.

Q: It’s going to be very difficult to justify re-election of Biden and Harris. Biden is physically frail and mentally fried. Harris is in deep water way above her head and cannot swim in it very well. Even Trump haters can see they’re both puppets. How are the Democrats going to overcome this?

HS: More of the same strategies which have been successful so far and for many years. All of them are displayed in the press and the portions aimed at public policy analysis.

Q: Many people, both supporters and detractors, are so eager to know who the USA’s next president shall be, they’d probably sell their teeth to find out.

HS: As we have said on several occasions, Mr. Trump would be re-elected; this happened. He will be elected legitimately a third time. Whether the manipulations which we guarantee will be used as described, are sufficiently effective, is not yet decided.

We can say, without uncovering what we have no authority to reveal, that Mr. Trump and many supporters are working diligently to throw blockages into the voting system to prevent from happening what we have described.

The challenge they face is their resistance to employing the technique of simultaneous threats & rewards to and for their targets, which have proven to be quickly effective. If your adversary is willing to promise to cut off a judge’s daughter’s head but make the judge a multi-millionaire for compliance, either way the adversary has bought the judge’s silence, if not performance.

This is the obstacle Mr. Trump and his team have already faced.
Q: This is a bitter pill to swallow.

HS: It is a human experience designed by and for humans. It has been human nature to expand influence and control. This characteristic, once overcome, will usher mankind into known, acknowledged and active participation in the galaxial community of which Earth is already a member, albeit unwitting.

Consider current world events a test. When geophysical and other events cause mass re- examinations of human societies, activities and life objectives, this test will be over. Unlike most trials conducted to determine passage or failure to a defined standard, score or threshold, humans will pass with flying colors.

The benefit will be application of what is learned, how many among you shall do so and in what ways, is the great unknown which excites us to observe.

Q: But if there is no time, don’t y’all know already?

HS: We know the choices and options, and the possible reactions, as do all of you. This does not provide choices; the timelines humans will follow and experience are unknown to humans because you have not yet chosen. Observing this process will be fascinating for you. Since we already know possible reactions, the mystery for us what, how and when you shall choose and live in the Earth environment.

Q. What goes on in countries like India where the entire voting process is electronic and millions of voting machines are used with no paper involved. People cast their votes by pressing buttons and everything is stored in the memory and then read using a separate unit at the counting centres.

HS: Yes, voting machines in India are similar to the entire world, both manipulated and able to be manipulated. So far in India, this has not been done to elect the overall loser party, as was done in the USA, but individual results have been manipulated. The Indian method of controlling elections has to date been the traditional way; control the candidates. This means selection, presentation, campaign and most importantly what is done while the selected candidate is in office

Q: Thank you, Esteemed HS.

HS: Thanks we return to you, for your questions. Be well until soon again.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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