Artificial Intelligence

Q: Esteemed HS, what is the significant difference, if any, between a computer program and what is now being called “artificial intelligence”?

HS: The latter imitates human thought process and action, both. No computer can imitate human thought; this is not possible. “AI” as it is often abbreviated, acts in a manner which resembles human action which often follows human thought. What humans shall observe and have from artificial intelligence, are the actions and effects, but not thoughts.

Q: Why is artificial intelligence negative, bad or given to disadvantages?

HS: It isn’t. If something results which is deemed negative by almost all observers or affected people, this is caused by the program being written badly, too simply or too quickly. In many cases now possible and certainly to come, artificial intelligence will produce negative action intentionally but for the authors of the program. The bad effects will be aimed at certain targets, intended to produce a positive result for the creators & users of the artificial intelligence.

Q: Does this mean such as news/paper articles, faked photographs and hoax audio?

HS: Among many things, yes.

Q: What are the advantages of AI?

HS: Reliability, speed and complete obedience.

Q: What are the disadvantages of AI?

HS: Reliability, speed and complete obedience.

Q: In other words, it all depends on point-of-view, perspective and preference?

HS: Yes.

Q: Why can’t a computer program imitate human thought?

HS: This is like asking why a parakeet cannot be a pine tree. Computer programs are sequential and must always proceed in steps; one foot before the other. The human mind is a three-dimensional matrix, a grid cube. No machine can ever, anywhere in the universe, replicate the human mind which is the soul of all beings.

Q: But computers can operate so fast that we humans often cannot detect the difference. Is this the risk?

HS: No risk to human well being will come from artificial intelligence, any more than humans shall be harmed by weapons which operate themselves. For negative outcomes to follow the use of artificial intelligence, the responsibility shall always lie with the humans who create the program.

Q: Such as robots?

HS: Which are machines run by a machine. Always is there a human behind the design and also behind the manufacture of the machine, the moving parts and components which can be seen as such, then humans are also responsible for the computer program used to operate the machine.

Q: Do technologically advanced civilizations capable using artificial intelligence, have anything as sophisticated as Commander Data the character from Star Trek?

HS: No.

Q: Is it possible?

HS: Yes, but the sophistication involved comes with understanding of the futility of creating such a device.

Q: Why futility?

HS: Humans expect emotion, which no machine can ever produce. Artificial intelligence could be used to imitate emotion but nearly all humans would instinctively detect it as phony, fake, false and insincere.

Q: How?

HS: Guardian Angel Guides cannot be tricked, fooled or deceived and will advise their charges when this is happening unless it is a life plan & contract to allow the trickery.

Q: Do our GAGs really stay with us all the time and advise of risks, dangers and looming trouble?

HS: Yes, we remain with you permanently during your trip across Earth’s surface. Often bad things are life plan events, so they proceed according to schedule and objective, seeming always to be something else.

Q: Lots of discussion suggests many jobs will be eliminated by artificial intelligence, basically almost any job that requires a computer. Is this true?

HS: It is possible but changes to human populations and economic effects arising from geophysical events will make concerns about computers replacing humans, a moot point.

Q: Is human fascination with gadgets and gizmos behind a lot of the interest in this topic?

HS: Yes.

Q: Essentially, we humans should not worry about artificial intelligence?

HS: No, as long as enough of you remain aware of its use and effects and maintain the ability to both hold accountable and also reward the humans responsible for results, outcomes and effects.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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