Music in the Heaven

Q: About music on Earth and/or other planets compared to Heaven, mostly from Near Death Experiences, I’ve read that there is a lot of music in Heaven ―perhaps continuous— and how beautiful and very different it is, than here on Earth.

NDE folks could hear different songs at the same time but blended well together. Music might even come from flowers and other things there; what we have here doesn't come close.

It seems a lot of songs are channeled from Heaven with some songwriters producing endlessly; words just seem to flow.

Then there is the classical music and other styles, I don't think could be performed without some Heavenly influence.

HS:    Understand do we that questions follow, but to the topic in general shall we speak, before we offer replies to the questions.

All humans who have heard music, nearly universal now across Earth, know what it is. For themselves yes, but not every human aware of it shares the understanding the majority believe all humans have.

Human music is a product of human body senses, mostly hearing but also touch, specifically the physical sensations sound waves or energy cause to the body.

Music in Heaven is not heard, for no ears have you. Remember you do not have a soul, a soul are you. This is your essence. Music heard by humans is forced through a tube, the Eustachian tubes of the outer ears leading to the inner ear and drums.

Music is another form of energy transference in Heaven. Music is sensed by a combination of receptors together; in Heaven music is felt, seen and heard simultaneously.

Music includes, in Heaven, the tones, pulsations and rhythms of many objects humans might wish to call living things, but everything in Heaven lives, nothing dies, so the human term is inaccurate but still is a good descriptor.

Music can be directly, intentionally created or arrive as the b-product of other activity; both are considered equivalently valid, if enough receivers like what they get.

Dislike of or preference for music occurs when sufficient tones align with the vibrations of a listener’s soul; suggest we do that anyone unfamiliar, search for videos of elephants hearing a piano played, for an example.

Humans are limited to a small and ever shrinking range or scope of frequencies or vibrations which can be heard with human ear organs; because in Heaven no ears or limitations such
organs present are imposed, required or needed, music can have a far broader spectrum of sound, and usually does. Because your soul can hear crystal clear sounds at thirty thousand cycles per second, or Hertz as humans say, or much higher, the effect of the notes on a listener is more broad.

No eyes are required to see, as are needed by Earth surface beings. Blindness does not exist in Heaven. Sound energy arrives as easily as does light energy, because both are forms of and in their base essence, electromagnetic energy.

Thus music is heard, seen and felt together, over a far more broad range of sounds, notes and tones.

Q:    Is there continuous music all around in the atmosphere when one is in heaven?
HS:    Yes, both actively offered and passively created as the by-product of something else.

Q:    What does heavenly music sound like compared to earth’s. I don’t think of “rock and roll” but I’ve read there are concerts where souls and angels gather to listen and watch performances?
HS:    The sound, which certainly does exist, is but one part of tonal melodies and beats. Within the range of frequencies the human ear can perceive, the sounds are very similar, but for the music itself. Because no upper limit or lower limit under zero exist, the sound part offers notes no human can detect. To attempt to describe this would be similar to asking a fly to describe its flight then landing to a human. This cannot be done effectively; no human could understand the feeling or process from the point-of-view of the fly.

Concerts are common and always fully attended.

Q:    Where does it come from? I’ve read that music even comes from flowers, grass, etc. as well as many colors, more vivid and more variations than what we have here.
HS:    Music is the rhythm of your soul.

Q:    Does it have something to do with the energy that is in all things?
HS:    Is, and not just something to do with it.

Q: Are some music/lyrics, or art of any kind channeled from souls or angels in heaven or maybe a musician that has passed over?
HS:    Much of what humans create that humans deem art, has a channeled component. Just as much of and as what humans do with & for any activity, has a channeled component. Sports, work, food, games, and many other examples are nearly endless.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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