Gravity and Anti-Gravity

Anyone so inclined can study physics, electrical and engineering in general to learn what’s already known about magnetism and gravity.

The recent full solar eclipse produced no geophysical events. Earth surface darkness happened precisely where and when we humans forecast it, and that was it. Speculation about gravitational pull and effects on Earth came along for the ride.

The Sun, Moon and Planet Third Rock From The Sun exert gravitational pull on each other, but would alignment of this trio cause effects? We now know the answer, which leads to…. what is gravity? How can we neutralize it? One way would be to adopt proper British spelling and write “neutralise” but we Americans all understand how hard-headed we can be, and a few folks around the world have noted this, also.

Q:  Esteemed HS, often have you said magnetism is electricity without wires, electricity is magnetism with wires. Also have you said, as have other beings, entities and sources, that magnetism and gravity are the same force. Does this happen on every planet, moon or other celestial object? We humans would fall if we jumped?
HS:    Yes, if a human could be present and survive long enough. No human could do this on your planets of Venus or Mercury because of the temperatures, or upon Jupiter or Saturn because of the gaseous liquid planet surfaces.

Q:    Why does a rock or boulder, once part of the Earth until it breaks off, suddenly become subject to Earth’s gravity and not part of Earth’s gravity produced?
HS:    The physical forces gravity exert are not related to relative strength of an object. We suggest iron, steel and titanium as an example; humans learned to add ingredients to iron for strength thus producing steel, but titanium with nearly one third less mass or density then steel is stronger.

The answer lies inside the atoms of the metal.

Q:    Please go on.
HS:   The force holding electrons in orbit about the nucleus of an atom, is both magnetism and gravity.

Q:   When magnetism pushes electrons to the next atom…
HS:    Then it becomes electricity.

Q:   The difference is pushing electrons?
HS:   Somewhat; we shall explain. When electrons are pushed from one atom to another, but not away from surrounding atoms, electricity occurs. When electrons are pushed away from the surrounding atoms, a spark is created.

The movement of electrons is what could be called excess energy, but this only works well with certain materials. Humans have called this metal; the essential characteristic for such material is easy conduction of electricity. What does not, is not metallic. Well known and studied is this principle among and by humans.
When an object is static, where no outside-the-object force acts upon it, the electrons continue to orbit the nucleus, and the protons and neutrons continue to pulsate. The rate of movement is called temperature.
The force exerted upon other objects is gravity. It comes from the static pulsation and movement of atomic components.

Q:    Do all objects emit a gravitational attraction?
HS:    Yes, because all atoms do. The force extended outwards occurs in direct proportion to the quantity of protons, neutrons and electrons, not the quantity of atoms. This means a large pool of liquid hydrogen, a small atom, will create more gravitational pull than a small boulder of iron or stone, if the total atomic mass is greater.

Q:    We don’t notice much or any of this on Earth.
HS:    The size of the planet makes it the dominant source of gravity and magnetism, thus everything else disappears with regard to gravitational pull or magnetic effect.

Q:    How do we neutralise gravity?
HS:    Reverse the direction of electrons and nucleus pulsations.

Q:    How can this be done?
HS:    This is where magnetism is involved.

Q:    Okay, please describe magnetism. Some materials and substances can’t be magnetised, others can and yet others are naturally magnetic. Why are some objects magnetic but not others but all objects are gravitational?
HS:    Magnetism is the force of atomic components reaching outside the object; gravity remains within.

Q:    If gravity remains within, how does it reach outside?
HS:    All gravitational energy reaches outside atoms, but it is insufficient to displace electrons. The reason connections are possible is because all things are connected in a matrix, as we recently explained.

Q:    Why doesn’t gravity from a piece of iron draw another piece of iron towards it, the way magnetism does?
HS:    Magnetism only works with certain materials and required certain conditions, gravity does not. Gravity is the base, default power of every physical object; magnetism is the manifestation of it in specific materials, all of which contain iron. Humans have understood this well.
Q:    How do we reverse gravity?
HS:    Reverse the magnetic field surrounding the object. This is done by turning the magnetic field, which results from turning its source.

Q:    How does this work?
HS:    Gravity or magnetism attaches to an object in proportion to the mass of the affected object; in the case of magnetism only, is the object sensitive to this energy. For humans’ purposes this means iron or something containing it.
An object of equivalent mass to Earth could be brought close, then objects placed in the middle of the separating gap. These objects would receive equivalent gravitational pull.

To neutralise gravity is to surround the object to be suspended with a precisely equivalent magnetic field as to the force of gravity the object attracts. It does not matter how large the gravity effect is, generated by the larger object; what matters is the size of the affected object. This is the reason all objects fall at the same speed, velocity or rate without regard to mass or weight, or size.

The net advantage between the gravity of both objects determines which shall pull the other. In some cases equilibrium will occur and the object is suspended.

Q:   Could humans suspend our moon’s gravity and stop tides from occurring?
HS:    In theory yes, but in practice no because humans have neither devices nor technology required; not yet. The mass of the moon is beyond human capability.

Q:    Can or could we build gravity suspension devices on Earth now, with devices we already have?
HS:    Yes.

Q:    Why don’t we?
HS:    Too busy killing one another. You all shall see, if you have not already, that the USA is planning to gift Ukraine $60,000,000,000 more. Ask yourself quickly, will this result in more or less dead humans? All of you already know the answer.

Q:   Why then is this being done?
HS:    The majority of the money will be used to purchase items from companies who will kick back a portion of revenue to the lawmakers who voted to spend.

Q:   I imagine Ukranians are participating also?
HS:    You already know the answer to this. You have heard the saying, to never allow a crisis to be wasted? To seek advantage where possible, when such events occur?

Q:   Does our sun’s magnetic field reach Earth?
HS:    No.

Q:   Why does a compass work, which uses Earth’s magnetism, if the field is weak?
HS:   It is also close and large, but relatively weak yes. Magnetic field strength makes a huge difference in effects.
Q:    Is the Star Trek device called a tractor beam, a form of gravity?
HS:   This device exists already and has been many a time used, it is the extension of a magnetic thus gravity field around an object. Many space travel vessels are anti-magnetic in materials, but all objects are gravity subject. The extension of the magnetic field is converted to gravity, by injecting iron dust into it; the dust remains inside the magnetism but attracts the target object because of its property; it is iron.

Once the anti-magnetic target is surrounded by the magnetic field, it is captured as long as the field remains, and can be controlled.
The motion of pulling on the target object is achieved with propulsion of the pursuing vessel; the tractor beam simply holds the target in place. Once this has been done, other energies can be used to stall or shut down the propulsion systems of a target vessel.

Q:    Since we can’t travel through space much, a device like this is essentially useless; would there be a viable, desirable Earth surface application?

HS::    Yes, if humans might wish this. It could be effectively used in war to achieve the same ends with less or even zero deaths. When this technology becomes available for such use, humans will have stopped war.

Q:    Why did the full solar eclipse of a week or so ago, not produce geophysical effects on, to or inside Earth?
HS:    It did but these were not negative effects; humans rarely and in many cases, never do see positive things surrounding them and yourselves, or do take note of their existence and presence but also take sych good things for granted.

Gravity pulls, as we explained. The net effect of two objects pulling on one another reveals the winner, as humans would say, this is the object has the greater mass. As gravity relates to your planet, the sun and the moon exert gravitation effects upon each other, in a triangle. The angles are different from moment to moment but during an alignment or eclipse, the angles disappear, and the forces are exerted along a straight line. This brings about balance and relief to a small degree.

Q:    Why then do many animals exhibit strange behavior during an eclipse?
HS:    The disappearance of light when not scheduled; gravity has a small, calming and positive effect on animals, during an eclipse. It does also on humans who one and all, attribute this mildly peaceful sensation to something else.

Q:    Is gravity used by Visitors-To-Earth to travel here?
HS:    Yes, but to orbit your planet, not traverse the distance between their starting point and your planet as the destination.

Q:    Can Visitors-To-Earth orbit our planet, using gravity but at heights or altitudes greater than we know?
HS:    Yes, usually above the Van Allen Belts, accomplished with use of anti-gravity devices to control the distance. This is principally used for synchronous orbits, to hover above a specific location.

Q:       Why would Visitors-To-Earth orbit above the radiation belts?
HS:  Less risk to no disadvantage for doing so; observing Earth from an altitude of two or three thousand human miles or one hundred, is similar to humans taking photographs from three meters, ten meters or twenty; no practical difference.

Q:       If gravity does not trigger geophysical events, what does?
HS:    Gravity is in effect always; such events to which you refer result from causes not present at all moments, or from forces which change; gravity however is constant.

Serious events such as strong earthquakes are surface material movements; these do not flow smoothly, and cause re-arrangements. The event which affects an area of several hundred kilometers across, only affects a small percentage of the planet’s surface, severe as the effects can be in the immediate area. Gravity is not a factor in these occurrences.

Q:    The natural human urge is to dig into causes of the geophysical events, and if this is not gravity, then what? The topic of the post is gravity, but maybe it should be gravity and more?
HS:    Allow your readers to ask what they wish, and happily shall we address that about which is inquired.

Q:    Thank you, Esteemed HS.
C:    Thanks and gratitude are yours from us, as always. Be well all of you and do return with your questions about the geophysicality of your planet.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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