Violent Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions are about to happen

It has been a ghastly year we know, for you and for many others around the world. Unfortunately this situation is only set to worsen. This will come as no surprise to you who read our messages, but we are moving towards that time when the most intense period of change is about to start.

The key message to try to convey in this short piece, is that there is nothing to fear from this intense period of activity, although it will be dramatic and it will be nothing that mankind has seen in living memory, indeed activity on this level has not been seen for thousands of years.

The reasons for this are contained in other pieces that we have published in this site. But essentially as you know this is an intense period of change that is necessary in order to allow mankind to progress; mankind has stagnated and now needs to move forward.

He needs to move to a position where he is no longer competing; he needs to learn how to co-operate. This is a big step; it will not happen overnight. The key message to convey to people is that when this convulsive activity commences, which will be really very soon now, it is simply a transition.

Many will say to you how can this be because the very fabric of our lives, the way we live our lives, everything is being destroyed. And the answer to this will be yes this is a necessary step in order to re-focus the way that mankind is living, and to allow him to take stock of the situation. It is important to strip away a lot of what is unnecessary about modern life.

So, when the activity commences, it will start with some very violent seismic and volcanic events. Of course it will initially cause the oil shock – the energy shortage – but everything else, all the knock-on effects from this, are contained in other documents that we have already published.

We just want to stress to your readers that whilst this will look to be a series of catastrophic events which signal the end of life on Earth, this is absolutely not the case.

The media will jump on it; politicians will jump on it; there will be all sorts of nonsense talked by many so-called experts. We would say perhaps listen to this information; then the majority of it simply discard

We will speak again soon.

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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