Bhutan Earthquake

So Bhutan as you know from your check of the internet is a small independent nation which nestles between south western china and India and the Himalayas. The Himalayas are adjacent to the country. Quite simply it will suffer a devastating earthquake, a very powerful earthquake which will cause widespread destruction and loss of life. The Magnitude of the Earthquake will be close to 8 on the Richter Scale.

The importance of this particular event, or should I say the relevance of this event is that it is not where earthquakes are predicted to happen. It is not in the immediate vicinity for regular activity of this type. And this is a characteristic of these events which will become more common; that is that they will occur away from the typical areas for such activity. This is mainly due to the fact that the events are happening at this particular time, at this transition period, at this period of enormous upheaval; this beginning of the new cycle of consciousness throughout the world. Far more of these extremely destructive events will occur away from the areas in which they are expected

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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