Who are the Illuminati | Deep State | HCPs ?

Hidden Controlling Power (HCP)

Elsewhere called:
•    the cult
•    illuminati
•    new world order
•    cabal
•    deep state

I ask The Higher Sources to describe them and inform as much as we can be told.

Q: Why can’t we know the names of the members, from you?
HS: Because if we supplied them, exposure would elicit attacks and defensive measures far more effective than the initial attacks. This would serve little benefit and result in great net harm.

Q: Why would the protection be more effective?
HS: Effective offense requires a known target, then analysis of weak points or areas more vulnerable, to be properly planned. The target is unknown and more importantly, unable to be measured thus attacked or properly. This is by design.

Q: How can such a group exercise influence and control yet remain concealed?
HS: They conceal what involves their collective and group activities, yet occupy regular roles in society otherwise. They are normal, predictable and frankly quite acceptable in social and business circles unaware of the HCPs, which as we have said, by design is not identified.

Q: Why did this group get created in the first place?
HS: Life incarnation contracts, the way many collective efforts and activities take place in human societies.

Q: In other words, planned in Heaven?
HS: Yes, most certainly just as many tyrants and wars are planned.

Q: What purpose does the influence of the HCPs serve?
HS: It causes many people to place closer attention on things which represent challenges across mankind, in general.

Q: Can you give an example?
HS: The well-educated young executive who grows increasingly wealthy yet simultaneously frustrated with her or his career. S/he will plan this as a part of the life contract, in order to explore and learn the limits of wealth as they relate to self-esteem, life satisfaction and general happiness. The HCPs play this role for society, in the way one person will insert this challenge into a life plan or contract. The HCPs represent and promote the point-of-view that seeks to control the environment and society for personal, gain and benefit.

Q: What personal gains and benefits?
HS: Wealth, control and pleasure, and their limits.
Q: How does a person become a member of this inner circle?
HS: S/he is recruited.

Q: Can a member leave?
HS: No. S/he can stop participating but must be kept quiet.

Q: Are the HCPs mostly male or female?
HS: Male. Women are generally not given to the character traits required for discipline required in the very few cases where dissent might arise.

Q: How do the HCPs maintain such cohesion yet concealment?
HS: They never display publicly who they are.

Q: How do they get people to obey them?
HS: With good treatment, appealing incentives and fabulous rewards, plus severe discipline and consequences for infractions. These are rare and never occur within the upper echelon; such candidate recruited will already be in complete agreement to the point where s/he is uncorruptible by anyone outside the HCPs.

Q: Why are they uncorruptible?
HS: No opposing ideological force can offer incentives or rewards which come close to what HCPs offer their employees.

Q: Generally, who are their employees?
HS: Public officials, elected and appointed. Key business leaders also.

Q: Do they live grandiose lifestyles of opulence and luxury?
HS: No, this is shunned because the HCPs dislike this. Their life goals are quite different.

Q: So the Trump Tower apartment where Mr. Trump used to live, as gaudy with gold as can be imagined, is a sign of opulence eschewed by the HCPs?
HS: Yes.

Q: How do they control people so well?
HS: Identification of candidates early in their career, then slow, gradual and steady increases in rewards for good performance, prizes based on the wants, likes and desires of the target.

Q: What if the candidate resists?
HS: He never discovers who was truly behind the efforts to use his talents and abilities. He is cast aside much the way a successful company, one earning good profits, tosses aside capable executives who don't conform to emotions and ideologies, in spite of demonstrated success and profits produced.

Q: What rewards are given?
HS: Whatever pleasures are wanted. These can be relationships, physical gifts or attention.

Q: How do the HCPs respond to dissent?
HS: This depends on how far into their world the recruit has been brought. Once the recruit has ascended enough levels to learn potentially damaging things, s/he is watched closely for signs or revelations that secrets are at risk of revelation. Preemptive disinformation is a common technique used, expulsion, threats and torture are others methods. Making the risk disappear is also done but rarely. This is the ultimate manifestation of power, to abuse it to take another life. It is greatly appealing to many HCP members to know this must be done, they enjoy the ultimate exercise of power.

Q: Are they aware of the spiritual nature of the human mind and soul?
HS: Of course.

Q: You would think they'd quit immediately.
HS: Awareness is not necessarily an indicator of goodwill or noble intent.

Q: Is their influence good or bad for human society?
HS: Bad, by the ideas and preferences humans typically hold. Nevertheless, what is bad offers a glimpse into the nature of good, in many cases.

Q: How would mankind solve the HCP problem if it could?
HS: Existence revealed would nearly immediately cause humans to ignore them, more specifically ignore anything which comes from them, which they seek to inculcate in the human population.

Q: They are responsible for many wo/man-caused or hu/wo/man-created things occurring in the 20th and 21st centuries, yes?
HS: Yes.

Q: World Wars I and II ?
HS: The war itself no, but the conditions which made war far more likely, yes. If events which preceded the wars had not come to pass, the HCPs would have extracted great advantage anyway.

Q: The HCPs are ruthless, aren't they?
HS: By most measures of ruthlessness, yes. They are the antitheses of the biblical suggestion that it is better to do unto others what one wants for oneself. To the HCPs, one should do unto others whatever necessary to extract advantage for one's group.

Q: Deaths, bankruptcies, national loan defaults, pandemics…
HS: These and many things are carried out by them.

Q: How can they mentally justify this?
HS: The four things we listed will happen naturally, as the result of human social cycles on Earth. Consider deer hunting; of the population in a given area, a certain number will be born and die each month, quarter or year. Controlling the hunt to ensure these natural changes to the deer population are not materially affected, means the deer remain but the humans eat. If humans ignored the deer, would humans eat or only eat something else?

The HCPs use these events as ways to punish, take financial advantage and control populations.

Q: How do they infiltrate elected and appointed officials so well?
HS: Political office naturally attracts the dominating, controlling or manipulative, narcissist personality traits. Providing the money and the connection for political candidates creates a potential valuable employee, if the target can be brought up through the system.

Q: Can you give an example?
HS: The representative from New York State in the USA, a young woman named Ocasio Cortez. She is completely unaware of who is truly behind her candidacy and would vehemently deny that she is ultimately financed and manipulated from beyond the political spectrum.

Q: How is she controlled?
HS: The indoctrination has already occurred, the ideas planted in her by social clues and education long before she took office or ran for it. Mixed with naïveté and her very self- righteous personality, supported by the great confidence she gained from fundraising, she honestly goes forth with the ideas and statements she truly believes appeal to voters, who she also believe legitimately donate to her campaign. She also believes donations made by business entities are but many contributions made by the same business entities to all candidates. She does not know who is really providing the money. At this stage of her career, she is also being introduced to pleasure influences, whether these be gifts and luxuries or of a personal nature.

Each target is investigated to see what might appeal to him or her, and is then tested to see what appetite s/he has and to what degree s/he can be influenced.

Q: What happens to the candidate who is simply not very interested in such things?
HS: The HCPs are always hedging their bets, working on a sufficient number of would-be employees to supply a significantly sufficient flow.

Q: Who are the higher level, well known employees of the HCPs?
HS: Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Bushes.

Q: How do the HCPs remain secret?
HS: Once recruited, their identities are changed. They usually die, or so the story is told. All ties and links with family and friends are severed. As you can imagine, this narrows the candidate pool considerably, because few people are willing to abandon their life completely.

Then, knowledge of authorities, other members, current missions or anything significant is compartmentalized to prevent any one member or group from knowing much and never enough to cause the group harm.

Q: The rumors of juvenile sacrifice, bizarre sexual practices, drugs and other things hold any truth?
HS: These things are almost completely used to control employees. The HCPs do not engage in these practices much.

Q: Do the HCPs have much contact with alien extraterrestrial visitors?
HS: Yes, but not as often as with government officials. The visitors to Earth see the HCP schemes for what they are, and are not very interested.

Q: I believe you explained once the rise of the HCPs came in the late 19th century and really gained steam with worldwide travel and telecommunications about a century ago. Will the HCPs fade from influence or existence?
HS: Oh yes and abruptly. The events occurring as part of the shift, and the many changes to human societies now developing and to last for the next few decades, will render them null & void, as it were.

Q: Do you have any recommendation for what humans should do about them?
HS: Shrink governments, which humans will be glad and forced to do, when central authorities are increasingly seen as mechanisms to suck away wealth, make promises but underperform to the point of ineptitude.

Q. The Rothchild's must be the exception to the HCP creed of not living lavishly. Their extravagant houses are well-known
HS: The HCPs are not groups with names, which are to a degree identifiable and detectable.

That you decry the "hidden wealth" of the Rothschilds and others means it isn't hidden, is it? That phrase —hidden wealth— is an oxymoron. As soon as wealth is spent to the degree & amounts which reveal its existence, it's is out in the open.

The HCPs are truly hidden insofar as their control activities are carried out. Invisible, undetectable targets cannot be attacked.

Q. Is Putin an HCP?
HS: No

The Earth Shift

Author: The Earth Shift

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