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Tag - GAGs

Dimensions, ETs and Guardian Angels

In this mindblowing article, #thehighersources discuss about the nature of the dimensions, the ETs which had landed in Las Vegas, the presence pf Guardian Angels in our incarnation on earth and so on. Please read the article carefully and multiple times, if required, as these are unknown Physics and theĀ  concepts are hard to graspĀ 

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Synchronicity - How our Guides communicate with us using repeating numbers

You look at the clock and see 11:11 or 7:11 or 9:11 and so on. Or maybe times like 12:34 or 3:33. These are called numerical synchronicities and are used by our Spirit Guides to communicate with us, warn us or simply say "Hello". #thehighersources answers questions on how such synchronicities work

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