UFO Technology

#thehighersources explains UFO technology. Recently John Ratcliffe, who served as Donald Trump's Director of National Intelligence, said that objects that have seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that engage in actions that are difficult to explain. Movements that are hard to replicate that we don't have the technology for. Or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom. This interview can be read at https://bit.ly/3lK1fmo

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Effects of The Shift ~ Part Two

The Events of The Shift have already started and our journey towards the New Age has commenced. Another key event of The Shift will be the fluctuations in the magnetic field and magnetic poles of the Earth happening simultaneously with the volcanic eruptions. It will cause difficulties in the Compass based navigation, erratic weather patterns, unreliable GPS satellites and satellite malfunction, adverse effects on radio, TV, radar etc. and enhanced effects of a coronal mass ejection on electrical grid systems

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Effects of The Shift ~ Part One

The Events of The Shift have already started and our journey towards the New Age has commenced. One of the key events of The Shift is worldwide volcanic ash eruption for a prolonged period of time. The effects of the ash in the upper atmosphere will be seen in a few years. Contrary to the expected global cooling, it will cause rapid global warming (reasons explained) and the meltdown of ice and glaciers will create the effects in this decade itself which the scientists had been anticipating to happen only in the next 50-100 years. Along with the other simultaneous key events, this will cause a dramatic change in the world which the mankind is unable to anticipate now

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Some Q&A on The Shift

The Higher Sources answer some questions regarding The Shift, specifically, regarding The Dim Period, Energy and Food Crisis and other issues

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Some Predictions for 2021 by The Higher Sources

The Higher Sources makes some predictions about the events occurring in the year 2021. It includes the oil crisis, volcanic eruptions, British Royal Family, Trump and Biden and other areas.

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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message for March 5, 2021

There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise. Much of what you have now will not serve any purpose in a higher vibration. After all you will be living a happy and much more relaxed life that will be so different to what you have been used to. Your power of thought will be sufficient for you to “think” things into being to provide for your needs. There will no longer be a need for factories or similar facilities and you can be assured of an all-round healthy and happy living. The need to work will virtually disappear and you have already touched upon the idea of using robotic beings for this purpose.

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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Feb. 5, 2021

For some time now the people of Earth have been waking up to the inequalities of life, and current unrest and big demonstrations will continue growing until those in power concede to their demands for changes, that will herald a new and fairer way of life where everyone enjoys the fruits of life. The power mongers will have to step aside forcibly if necessary but without using violence. The Law itself can be a powerful tool when used correctly and can maintain Law and Order, but of late it has been used aggressively and unlawfully to suppress peaceful demonstrations. In a true Democracy such things would not be allowed so it is time to appoint those people into power who would observe the Law and promote peace.

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Blossom Goodchild: Message dated 24.01.2021

Yes, plans are susceptible to change. they had to … does not mean that an announcement will not come at all. It has simply been delayed. That which was in place concerning an announcement to be made, had to be aborted due to unforeseen circumstances. The conduct of the dark will stop at nothing to remain in the position they have held for many a year … many a lifetime. They do not have regard for human life and therefore, they will go to any lengths to protect their clan. Any lengths.

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Message from Mahavatar Babaji: Victory of Light and Triumph of Love

How can you tell that the light is victorious? • By the fact that now everything is brought to light! That’s how you can tell.• By the fact that nothing can be hidden any longer, not even with greatest effort. That’s how you can tell. • By the fact that the forces that have proliferated on earth to the damage of many and the advantage of few, are discordant and fighting each other. That’s how you can tell. • And by the fact that more and more people feel the pressure, pressure that raises questions that normally would never be asked. That’s how you can tell that fundamental changes are happening and an awakening on earth unlike any before is now in process.

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Saint Germain: The Storm Is Upon Us

This awakening is about to happen to many across the planet and to this country, The United States of America, as people are awakened, what has been happening to what is in the process of happening right now. Those of the dark forces cannot hold this energy back.  They cannot hold this destiny back. For the dark forces have already been overcome by the Forces of Light.  They just do not know it fully yet.  But they have an inkling.  They have that premonition within them, that they have reached the end.  That is why they are doing everything that they can now to hold it off.  But deep down within them, they know it is a lost call.  Yet they will fight to the end, many of them.

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The Divine Plan is unfolding: The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele

Know that you are witnessing a Divine plan unfold, and remember that this is why you chose to be on earth at this time. Today’s chaos is serving to expose underlying beliefs and energies that have remained hidden but active for centuries. All is proceeding according to plan, the unstoppable plan of spiritual evolution. Many uncomfortable revelations will occur during this coming year so be spiritually prepared. You are watching the tip of an ancient iceberg begin to melt but is what you have been preparing for. Observe and be informed but do not with align what you observe

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The Time is NOW: Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild 17.01.2021


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Prepare for the Explosions of Emotional Energy: Do not get involved

Humankind has been on the verge for a very long time of an explosion of emotions. Now, as these emotions come rushing to the surface level, the awareness level, you all need to take care of yourselves and each other. And as you can see from just observing your fellow humans at this time, most of humanity is reaching a boiling point, and most people don’t know what to do about the explosive emotions that they have inside of themselves. All of the pain that people have been avoiding in their lives cannot be avoided forever, and the energies that are upon you right now are there to encourage the emotional explosion.

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Message of Galactic Federation to the people of USA: Time to Rise

These Illuminati have infiltrated Congress, every conceivable corporation and higher authority. It is time for the American people to take back the power. It is very likely that there will be many arrests for those people who, with their position in Congress, have, among other things, used their position for their criminal acts. This will affect the whole world, not just the United States. These actions have put the president in a very difficult situation given that not all election fraud has been presented to the courts and which in turn is corrupt to keep quiet.

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Trump is unlikely to continue as President ON January 20th. But what will happen afterwards?

A key prediction made by #thehighersources of Trump continuing for a second term has apparently failed. It was not supposed to fail even after his "election loss". But it will fail after the attack on the Capitol Building. Trump will not continue as the President on January 20th. But something else would happen. There is a Plan-B

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A Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: Stand Together in 2021

Let us now shift to 2021. This year ahead will in some ways mirror 2020 in that there will be many changes. Much will be brought to the surface at an individual level as well as collectively at a societal level. For the reality of 2021 in some ways will feel far more raw. The hard truth, as we’ve mentioned, will begin to surface. Humanity will unite and will become far, far more powerful of a voice than ever before. You must use your voice more than you ever have. This is the voice of calm and peace.

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Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, Jan 4, 2020

During your year 2021, you will see changes that have long been needed so the civilization can advance and flourish. Change will not come without resistance, especially in the United States, where the Illuminati are certain to motivate those who are uninformed or misinformed to denounce developments as political partisanship. Action in the weeks and months ahead will end control by that secret society.

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Secession of Texas from USA, Trump and Kamala Harris

The Higher Sources explains how Texas will secede from the USA after the oil crisis (after Kamala Harris's Presidency). They also hint at how Trump will continue as President in 2021-2024 and Biden will not be the President. Kamala Harris will be the next President after Trump in 2025

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Shortages due to disruption in global supply chain

The disruption of the supply line and oil shock in the coming times will cause shortages around the world. Modern supply chain of many products consist of timely sourcing of various components from locations around the world. Disruption in the supply chain means unfinished products. A large part of the components are sourced from China, which will also get disrupted. Availability of parts for service and maintenance of all sorts of structures and manufactured goods will be seriously impacted. Disruption in food supply will also result from oil shock. It will then become more and more difficult to guarantee secure supplies. 

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Sanat Kumara: The Plan for The Shift

People are disturbed by the chaos associated with the change. Apparently everything is going topsy turvy and the process appears to be without any definite goal. However, it is far from truth. There is a "divine plan" meticulously crafted by spiritual beings for awakening the humanity which is being executed behind the scenes. Trust the Plan. Sanat Kumara, The Ascended Spiritual Master describes The Plan and how to remain focused and calm while the world churns around you

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